Rudy Giuliani: Yankees fans showed me ‘love’ by booing me on my birthday

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and current attorney for President Donald Trump, attended the Yankees game against the Houston Astros on Monday, May 28, 2018 (5/28/18) at Yankee Stadium. Fans booed Giuliani, who was celebrating his 74th birthday on Memorial Day, when the Yankees lost to the Astros, 5-1.

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, now President Donald Trump’s attorney, stepped into the spin zone Wednesday when asked about being booed at Yankee Stadium on Monday.

Giuliani was celebrating his 74th birthday while watching the Yankees lose to the Astros, 5-1.

Giuliani’s presence was noted by Yankees’ PR, per CNN:

“The New York Yankees wish a very happy birthday to Mayor Giuliani,” an announcer said over the loudspeaker during the game. The birthday greeting was greeted by loud and sustained boos throughout the crowd.

TMZ caught up with Giuliani on Wednedsay and asked him about the fan reaction.

In typical political fashion, Giuliani spun the negative into a positive:

“I know Yankee fans … they boo you when they love you,” the former NYC mayor tells TMZ Sports. 

Giuliani joined Trump’s legal team in April in an effort to help the President clear up any ties between the Trump campaign and Russian interference in the 2016 election. 

That work took Giuliani to the South Lawn of the White House on Wednesday, where he held an “impromptu” press conference, per CNN:

Instead of avoiding reporters during a visit to meet with his client, as most presidential lawyers would do, Giuliani made a beeline for them, saying — among other things — that the part of the Mueller probe pertaining to the President must be done by September 1, so as not to meddle in this year’s midterm elections.

“If he doesn’t file his report by September 1, mid-September, he’s clearly doing a Comey,” Giuliani said, a reference to then-FBI Director James Comey’s decision to tell Congress days before the 2016 presidential election that the FBI had reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Update on Yankees prospects

Taking a break from his day job on Memorial Day, Giuliani had a prime seat to watch Astros ace Justin Verlander dominate the Yankees. Verlander gave up just one run (a Greg Bird solo home run) in 6.2 innings of work.

Giuliani also attended a Red Sox-Yankees game on May 10th, which New York won, 9-6.

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