hey everybody what is going on pete
simonetti here for ny news
the question of first base
is gonna be important for the new york
yankees for multiple reasons
we don’t know what the infield defense
is gonna look like as of right now and
they traded for somebody
who they brought over got great
leadership qualities
great glove at first base left the bat
um does a lot of the the small things
very good also and anthony rizzo and he
got a decision to make on anthony rizzo
he’s a free agent uh there’s some other
good free agents out there freddie
freeman but forget that because i think
freddie freeman is gonna go back to the
atlanta braves
i’m talking about a tweet today and this
is what this video is gonna be about
that bob klapich who is
you know um saying a lot of things these
um but this is a different one he said
according to a family member anthony
rizzo was quite eager to return to the
yankees in 2022. that’s in a per
important first step assuming the new
york yankees want him back have to
assume they do
and i agree with that
in a way and in another way i don’t let
me tell you why
i heard brian cashman directly say he is
not as impressed with rizzo as he
thought he would be basically saying you
know i’m disappointed what that
disappointment or that not impressed
with exactly means
i don’t know but again
i i know
that was said
put it that way i know that was said
on the other hand
what’s your options
and anthony rizzo fits your team good
let’s play a scenario here let’s say
glebe tour is the second base and the
yankees go out there and they get corey
your mid infield is not great
not the best in the world not the worst
in the world but not great defensively
you want to have a good defensive first
baseman we’ve seen in his short time
with the yankees
anthony rizzo makes some terrific plays
we’ve seen anthony rizzo with the
yankees be a bit of a highlight reel and
i remember all year a lot of people
has been everything we wanted then he
got coven and he kind of slowed down a
little bit after that but just the
defense alone we were saying even if the
bat drops off a little bit more
the defense still gonna be there and
that’s important for this ball club
a defensive first baseman and a
defensive catcher in my opinion is very
very important moving forward let’s not
talk like anthony rizzo
isn’t gonna give you 20 plus homers for
the yankees maybe the average drops a
little bit but he’s still such a
professional hitter he’s still such a
professional at bat and on top of it
he’s a leader
all year long as you guys know right
that’s one of the main qualities and
he’s a proven winner he’s won already
he’s been there and done that yankees
need more of those guys that’s been
there and done that that’s been through
that routine that’s been through the
ringer that has won a world series
anthony rizzo has done that in chicago
the leadership part of anthony rizzo i
also think is very very important
because if you remember all year one of
the things i would talk about a lot of
videos and me and francis will say on
the podcast all of us on the round table
is that you never see let the yankees
dug out and a guy like either giving a
lesson or talking to other players or
discussing certain things it’s like
you really didn’t look at somebody and
go oh yeah he’s a leader in that
anthony rizzo did that all the time
we always seen anthony rizzo doing
things like that we saw him with judge a
lot uh we saw him talking to the guys um
we know
that he made somewhat of a difference
uh joey gallo and the way he’s batting
being a little more closer to the play
crowd that played a little bit that
means the outside pitcher would get to
it’s just a perfect fit for the yankees
and again all it cost is this now here’s
the concern
anthony rizzo turned down don’t hold me
to this if i’m wrong on the amount i
think it was a four-year
75 million deal i think from the cubs
anthony rizzo is projected and this is
just the projections that come out based
off what somebody’s performance was to
what their salary and their value is
around 20 million the yankees are no way
doing that
the yankees are not going to give
anthony rizzo 20 million and
per my understanding they would bring
rizzo back as long as it’s on their
terms what that means i don’t know but i
i could tell you right now
highly doubtful the yankees go anywhere
near 20 million dollars for anthony
rizzo 14 15 16
i could kind of see that
definitely i don’t see anywhere near 20.
and i think the best thing for rizzo
would be to come back to a team like the
yankees right you already know you know
what the clubhouse is like you know the
goods you know the bads and the pros and
cons are there
you know this team
no matter what are still the yankees in
the sense
of they’re gonna have a high profile
club right we don’t know what cashman’s
gonna do we don’t know what the team’s
gonna look like
but anthony rizzo knows there’s
something here that he can work with
he knows there’s something here that’s
the cubs aren’t that no more and he’s
already familiar with this ball club
we’ll see where that goes me for one i’d
raise my hand in favor of anthony rizzo
excuse me
i raised my hand in favor of anthony
um i’d be all for him coming back
you guys know i was a big fan of rizzo
the whole time when the ball hits the
like a big pizza pie that’s a rizzo uh
that was my thing i love the italian
stuff going on there of course being
italian it’s always nice but um just
overall they need a defensive first
baseman he’s a lefty he could hit
it’s it’s just a match made in heaven in
my opinion uh for a guy like rizzo um a
lot of it’s to come down to and if you
guys watch the podcast with me and
france if you have not go back and watch
that now because
we actually talk a lot about that we
talk a lot about how much money the
yankees could actually move off their
roster to add these other guys to add a
rizzo to add a seeger francis likes
to add guys like that um
maybe to add a versatility guy
like a chris taylor
there’s a couple of different things the
yankees can do there jack peterson’s
gonna be available um there’s there’s a
lot of different things out there i’m
not advocating right now on this video
specifically for anybody
i’m just putting that news out there and
my opinion on what it would take to
bring rizzo back and if the yankees
should even you know think about that i
think it’s 100 make sense for the club
um i don’t like when the yankees go well
at our terms i kind of hate hearing that
you know who the hell knows what that
really is there’s going to be clubs
interested no doubt about it i i mean
with the the h2 international league
you’re not as worried about signing
somebody maybe to a longer term deal
knowing that you can move them over to
that position if you ever need to
but um there’s a lot of teams that will
need a first baseman like anthony rizzo
no doubt about it i mean a lot of teams
would want them especially winning clubs
um that maybe have a decent first
baseman or somebody they can move and
bring a guy like rizzo on boarding
again like i said for the yankees to me
there’s three things really that make
the most sense one is lefty and i think
they do gotta add that balance
two he’s a leader
and three his defense at first base is
is you know
nobody denies that there’s not really a
debate there on that one if there is
uh you’re losing your mind the guy’s a
great defensive first baseman
so with that being said guys let me know
in the comments below what do you think
about anthony rizzo’s return to the
yankees apparently to bob clapp
one of his
friends or whoever um
knows he wants to come back and
you know for that to work both sides
gotta want it i think they do
it all comes down to money it all comes
down to money and years in my opinion um
if rizza really wants to come back
again i don’t see 20 million i see a lot
less than that maybe three maybe
four-year deal
and we’ll see what happens there so guys
let me know in the comment section below
with the anthony rizzo news bob clapp
saying that there’s a family member that
says rizzo
really wants to come back to the new
york yankees in 2022.
let me know what you guys think would
you be in favor
all in favor say yay
is it yeah yay is it yay i think it’s
yeah yay nay whatever the hell it is i
don’t know i don’t i don’t know do these
things say yes
yes yes yes yes say yes um and let me
know in the comments below why you want
anthony rizzo back and maybe you know
some of you guys who like to play around
with um contracts and things like that
let me know
what uh you think um that deal should
look like so guys again this is pete
simonetti for the one the only
nyy news
talk to you guys again very very soon
thank you
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