Designated Spittaz LIVE: Pete is Joined by Hector Gomez to Discuss the Miguel Andujar News @Simonettisource @hgomez27


what is going on everybody and welcome to another episode of designated spitters
unfortunately i am by myself today but i got a special guest coming on momentarily but i just want to tell
everybody thank you guys so much for being here i appreciate you guys we broke a record
today calling the game so designated spit is in full effect francis lee is out there doing his thing he is going to
be back don’t worry about it but to start the show off guys i immediately
wanna jump into our interview with the great hector gomez hector how are you sir
five five pete uh uh thank you for the opportunity i’m
very grateful uh is a pleasure for me to to join with you in this life
yes i am very happy to have you on a hectic you had a little incident yesterday thankfully you’re okay thank god you’re good you are fine right
yeah right all right good so let’s get right into what we wanna what we have you on here
to talk about today and that is you broke the news the other day with miguel anduhar and the new york
yankees he got called in he’s getting sent back down to aaa and you broke the news that he wants to be traded so can
you give us a little information on that okay for us to talk about about myself
as you know i’m from come from dominican republic yeah my second home i love dr i
love new york you have told me that you were visiting our country in uh two months ago
yes yes i was i just left recently my fiance is dominican so yeah i i love dominican republic i love it okay i’m
from a small town called banika who is located in the total
dr i worked as a sport editor for the radio station c101 santa cruz the the main media in
our country and i also write in the newspaper oil um i work in a review uh
tv shows uh for me it’s a pleasure to join with you today
of course i’m very very very happy to have you on because again you’re the guy who broke the news you broke the news
about the miguel anderhart situation so tell us a little about that i had that happened
uh well yesterday uh
1 or less i i quote in my twitter account about
these breaking news about miguel and duha a person friendly close to andrew had
told me that he met with aaron boone in the friday night
and told him that he wants a trade because as you know
about three or four times miguel and duha you see the news every time called
miguel duha to also triple h to escranto
for that reason he he wants to be a trade to tomato trade
because he is too too sad i i talked with this
friend of tandoor told me that he’s very sad with this this situation
yeah i mean i i completely understand it and you know i talked about it yesterday a little bit myself and
miguel anderjar has been a very good ballplayer for a long time with the yankees and one of the things that he has done
very good is he struggled playing third base and the yankee said hey here’s an
outfield glove play left field he done it he’s done a great job so as a fan of miguel andujar i’m very
upset about it i want him on yankees i think he deserves a shot so my second question to you is
you knowing the situation you know the yankees pretty well do you think he deserves a spot on the
roster more than let’s say a joey gallow or a aaron hicks
honestly i think miguel duval deserves to be on the junkies roster above gallop
and aaron hicks i agree his stats show it especially the world
the slogan uh betting average and the underworld
i don’t blame miguel duhal for wanting to be changed instead i would do the same because i i i know
his case uh uh and i i i blame him you know yeah
yeah um no question about it again this is something that yankee fans talk about
all the time um the good thing the thing i like most about miguel anderjar is he puts the ball in play
a lot he always makes good contact he good hits for a better average than aaron hicks than joey gallo by far
for this team for the yankees he’s a better ball player he is a better ball player than both of these guys right now
in his career and i i just hope he gets a shot so have you heard anything about a possible
trade maybe something that could happen any teams that might be interested yeah i want to say that
the most of the people that read the quotes in my twitter account yeah
it’s possible when i called it his their statistic of gallup hicks and miguel and
most of the people could think that i told this because i am dominican right
but fantastic as as you know he has better stats in this game than
them correct like as as as i told you as being average
slogan obs and the word that you know that it is a
statistic that today the most of the people believe in it and for that reason i think he deserves to
be the junkie roster above hicks hey hector i’ll tell you this right now
right i’m italian i’m italian joey gala’s italian i want anderhart over
joey gallo any day in a week i want miguel anderhart over gallowing over
hicks i don’t care what he is like i said i’m italian joey gala’s italian he could go
anduhar put andujar on the yankees he deserves to be here he’s a really good ballplayer so
speaking of the yankees what are your opinions on the yankees so far this year
yeah i think the junkies have the depth to go far this season yeah i wouldn’t be
surprised if they win the world series this year wow okay currently yeah i
think i think that honestly they currently have the best breaker in baseball and half a comfortable lead
over the blue chase are raised in the alts and i think
uh they have the tips in invading beijing he has a a good
bullpen and i think in the future uh at the final of the
season i think a repeat of the subway series could come
this season i think wow okay yeah i think the yankees are detained to
beat in the american league while in the national league my favorite team to make it to the world series is a match
closely followed by the los angeles tires that’s my opinion yeah that seems
like that’s kind of did you like it oh i love it i love it i i love it i think that is terrific hey
look if my yankees get look at the beginning of the season hector i’ll tell you i thought the yankees were not going to
be a good team i’ll be honest i said i am a little concerned about the yankees but they have been
amazing i mean they have been the best team in baseball by far so you look at the mets and you look at
the dodgers now here’s my question for you out of those three teams the yankees the mets and the dodgers who is the best
team that you have watched this year i i think in this moment
a it dodgers possible that it has better pitching
yeah both the junkies lead by aaron george is a good offense
instead a gallow uh hicks have uh have a no good season offensively we’re
talking about his tax you know moments ago about i think it it it’s possible that
so serious as a 2.0 it’s going to come again right
that’s my opinion that would be amazing i would love to see the yankees and i would love to see the mets now i tell you what those pitching matchups on
those teams would be amazing garrett cole and scherzer degrom might come back
mcgill has been good they gotta they got a good staff over there the mets they got a really good team and they got a
powerhouse offense you know it could make a lot of sense to see that happen again
yeah it’s possible i was making a projection to arnold johnson’s statistic and it’s amazing
that he can do it to the final the season at this moment his uh projection is about 65 homework yes that is amazing
that’ll be the all-time yankee record yeah uh another point that i want to talk with you is about the comeback with
severeness come back yes lucifer is showing that he is completely healthy
in the last in the last star historical tense about
three or four years ago uh we haven’t seen analysis of mourinho with the kind of pitching that is
keeping now at this moment i think it’s very important to the junkie that luisa mourinho as a
an asset of this starting pitching is going to be very important with junkies
to go to the worst series and eventually winners in this year luis sabarino for
me is very important piece of the jackets roster in this model yeah and the thing
i love about luis severino is he pitches with his heart you know he pitches with his heart he’s very emotional but i like that in the
picture i like to see a guy get hype on him i get excited on the mound and he does that he’s a workhorse when he’s
healthy he really is he’s unbelievable when he’s healthy now i got one one two more questions for you
i have a scoot for you guys did you know that did you know that lisa marino
i was the people that met him with pedo martinez i talked with
pedo martina this is my friend yeah you were a guy i want to say
that the way this uh lisa mourinho told me hector and i have that moment please
i know that you are a pedo martinez friend can you please put me in contact with
him and i was the people that make this contact between lisa mourinho and pelo
martinez guys this is huge news racing spanx are
no not happy with pedometer because he belongs to boston rituals and he is
helping right to a teacher that is
martinez told me hector for me the dominican pitcher is more important
for that reason he he helped him with some of the tips like how to get a
good teaching yeah i am very very proud that was the people that made this
contact with pedro martinez and luisa you should be and i got to tell you hector right now we got over 100 people
in this in this room right now watching us live all of these guys in here are yankee fans if the yankees win the world series
this year and severino helps you guys all gotta thank hector gomez okay
you guys all have to thank hector gomez because he set up luis severino with i
believe the greatest pitcher of all time pedro martinez
for example is going to be the mvp and the boss of the junkies fan will
love me both in the other side the walls of the region are going to hate me
[Laughter] they’re definitely going to hate you know that about it well pedro uh the
last thing i have for i got to put you on the spot you being dominican i got to put you on the spot here
who is the best dominican ball player in major league baseball right now
the best player yes for me
i think that is one while sorrow once does he have any chance to come to the yankees do you think he wants to be a
yankee any chance yeah he he wants a real more a rumor that
is possible in about two weeks ago that the yankees will make the trade to to to
get uh juan soru um in our country most of the people
every day ask me this question hexel for you who is the best dominican a player
now immediately baseball between uh juan soro uh fernando tatis
uh black guerrero uh wonder franco uh i think so sorry all is the best here
no chance um in the dominican yeah i think any gender in the world maybe baseball
yeah he’s the best now i got one more let me see if maybe you could help me answer this question because a lot of yankee fans love this kid he’s a young
player jason dominguez do you have anything on young jason dominguez and the yankees
how good is this kid i i saw jesus dominguez about two years ago
it was a must amazing for me to see this young player with this power to the
all angles of the fields is amazing um
i think the junkies have uh
uh maybe in about three or four years
one of the best player best hero in immediately by spawn is amazing
uh the power that this uh this john player jason dominguez can do
in the field yeah i i have a an order scoop to you i have
this is great i i have a brother his name is dariel gomez that belongs to migrant ciara’s
he’s a first bay uh six six uh he’s leading
the those four leagues in home runs with knight that’s my brother and i have another brother his name is
jeffer gomez that was assigned to the professional baseball with the mets he reached double aid and
today he’s a bench coach of the organization and another brother jose
gomez he was a general manager of the squad baseball team in dominica went to league with a league i am so proud of my
brothers good no that’s good you should be no doubt about it you 100 should be proud
of all of them no doubt about it now hector i tell you what i have found two amazing things and no three amazing
things in the dominican republic i want to share those with you okay one is my fiance she’s born in america but
she is now my fiancee she’s from uh her mother’s from the capitol but um that’s one thing the second thing
is food the best food in the world i’m italian but dominican republic got the
second best food in my opinion of any country i’ve ever been to and three
the best rum in the world brugal the best rum in the world by far vladimir guerrero
senior that’s his his favorite string brugal me
too multiply black the dominican one of the best thing that i i think we
we have is the hospitality hospitality oh no
the best to be people uh i think that one of the best things
that we have like a person in the world thank you very much
yeah no no doubt about it it’s the best i’m i tell people all the time
go to dominican republic go go it’s you you’ll it’ll be the best place you will
ever go to ever have you been seeing the ball park in the dominican winter i have not i want to go i want to go i have not
you have to be there well hector here’s what i’m going to do when i come to dominican public i’m going to message you and yeah hector
let’s go come on you got it it’s going to be a prison for me you got it that that’s what we’re
going to do i’m telling you i i go to the dominican republic a lot i absolutely love it um i absolutely love
it um we have the best the best beaches in the world oh easy
the best boca chica i love boca chica i love her i’ve been to the capitol i’ve been to
santiago i’ve been all over dominic i love it it’s it’s the the best place in the world it really is it really is many
celebrity comes to our castle for example michael jordan yeah
have we seen it uh about three times in the last six months i don’t blame you
i don’t blame them i i would be there all the time myself i’d be there all the time too but hector this has been
amazing i thank you i thank you i thank you so much for coming joining us oh my
english very good very good look it’s easy thank you it’s easy for me because i could i understand so well i could
listen so well no your english is great everybody in the comments are loving it everybody’s enjoyed this this uh this
interview we’ve had so again man thank you so much i appreciate you coming on and um no any time i would love to bring
you on again yeah thank you very much pleasure for me and i am very grateful to you and your
followers thank you of course pedro i’ll talk to you soon okay bye
bye all right guys there you have it a great
great great meeting with the one and only hector gomez let me switch back over
uh to this here let me fix my screen before we continue on give me one second guys i’m gonna be
very zoomed in here oh there he is there’s the guy hi everybody
how’s everybody doing what’s going on guys it was an amazing interview thank you guys
uh for sticking with us uh through that interview is very very fun hector’s a great guy man hector’s a great guy
sometimes you know hector’s another guy guys i’ll tell you this right now hector sometimes gets a bad rap for no
reason but you guys know how twitter is is that people are you know you you you you put
one thing out and maybe it’s a little wrong and everybody wants to bite your ass about it and go crazy about it it’s
crazy look this is what i don’t know what news tv is this is what the designated spitters are we bring on the
best we don’t care we bring on the best look we found out that hector gomez
is one of the reasons he is one of the reasons luis severino he is the reason
why luis severino was paired up
what a reason he was paired up with pedro martinez he’s the reason
jacob just got his ticket for june 25th jacob my man i love you bro
this has been amazing guys i’m just very happy that was extremely fun
guys um so let’s cut to it designated spit is in full effect guys i gotta bring this up
real fast designated spitters is brought to you by manscaped attention listeners are you ready to be
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spitters it is right down there it’s almost father’s day guys it’s almost father’s day so go have a
great time with that go get your manscape and look just to sum up a little about what hector said look man
a lot of people bring up that miguel anderhar stats are all right they’re his stats whatever blah blah blah okay
miguel anderhar guys as of right now is a better option for the new york yankees look i talked about this a lot yesterday
hector talked about it today i don’t want to stay on this too long because guys we already know
you know what i mean you guys are smart yankee fans you guys are smart baseball fans you guys know the deal
better baseball fans you know what i mean they’re they’re just better there’s a lot of guys uh anduhar is a better
player he’s done here’s what i like i said yesterday let me just say this here’s what i got most upset about for
miguel anderhart and i want to repeat this because not a lot of guys can do this as flawlessly as
he had including the injuries and all that miguel anderjar was told you can’t play
third they gave him an outfield glove and he’s playing above average defensively in left field that
is extremely important that is amazing that is amazing so to see miguel andor able to do that
that is extremely impressive it is extremely impressive
so that ends the saga of miguel anduhar josh donaldson is back in the lineup
with the new york yankees we know about the whole uh uh jackie thing and the whole
situation with the clubhouse was he kind of upset with aaron judge was he upset with aaron boone
josh donaldson’s back the yankees keep winning now i’m gonna put this out there the yankees didn’t beat the detroit
tigers they had a worst freaking team i have ever seen in my life and i’m not even joking
the detroit tigers are miserably bad miserably bad that’s how bad they are
they are that bad so seeing the yankees sweep the tigers i’m happy seeing the yankees rotation we’ll talk
about this a little bit why not the yankees rotation
garrett cole has been phenomenal i mean we look at good care cola has been recently and it’s unbelievable to be
already into june and sitting back and saying the yankees rotation is nowhere near a problem
they got five guys five guys who are phenomenal uh one after the
other they have been so good and here’s the important thing that i want to mention
they have all been going much further into games
and that alone that alone right there is super super important
that is super important to this team because the yankees over the last couple of
years have really hurt themselves
by wearing out their bullpen far too early beating up their bullpen getting those
guys exhausted so when it comes to them going to the wild card or going to
the the the uh friggin uh playoff games they’re exhausted when
it comes to september they’re exhausted so the idea that their starters are
starting to go longer and you know what it could be a blessing in disguise and i
know this is gonna sound crazy that maybe they got some guys beat up
in their bullpen right now because you know what that is gonna force the yankees
to find some fresh arms or guys they can trade for that’s gonna do better for them
it’s gonna force the yankees to do that and that is overly important extremely
important for this team very very important
for them to reinforce the bullpen whether it’s at the trade deadline that we talked about so much whether it’s
somebody guys in a minor league system that might come up maybe they go to a medina maybe a walter chuck gets a
chance uh jp sears is still out there pitching very well made a spot start for
the yankees it was phenomenal picked up a w picked up a w
uh nick i don’t think kaikal would be a good pickup for the yankees i don’t think they got to go there i think the
yankees need to wait it out maybe keep using some of the younger guys see if somebody catches
fire and go that route that’s what i think the new york yankees have to do or
better yet they go out there and make a trade we know kansas city has some guys out there
that is available we know the chicago cubs have a guy that we are very familiar with and that
is david robertson we know robinson can pitch in big games we know he has nerves that are frozen cold he’s not concerned
he doesn’t get nervous out there he doesn’t he doesn’t [ __ ] the bed d-rob’s always ready to go out there and play
ball so he could be a guard at the yankees say let’s go after him let’s go after a guy like that so
many many good things right now has happened in the yankee universe guys look if you want to nitpick and you want
to you know be that guy or be somebody to say look i love this team so much but there’s
still ways i can see them get better um you could look at what aaron hicks
look if aaron hicks is the yankees only big problem in the bullpen they’re in great shape and they are
they’re in great shape the yankees are in great shape i mean guys i will sit here and tell you
all and i’ve said it a hundred times but look i’m a big boy i don’t give a poot
about being right or wrong i just tell you what i feel they have been
10 times better than i could have ever imagined they’d be you could say man the offense still
worries me a little bit and you can have a point on that you can make up you could get enough stats
together goes hey look here’s my concern what you know other people besides aaron judge got to do it and i understand all
that and as hunter larson just said herman’s almost on his way back too i know not a
lot of people like domingo herman but domingo harmon could possibly help at the bullpen and look if he can help
the yankees aren’t going to give a poot andrew benetendi we know like hirsch said david bednar is a guy with the
pirates who’s really good but look the one thing brian cashman has done a very good job of year after year after the
year of the year is he could find those rare guys those rare gems so to
say that really could just take off he he has a he has a knack of finding
those guys and maybe he could go out there and find another one
maybe he goes out there and he finds another guy who’s that good or does that well
maybe he does it so guys i know it’s kind of weird with without my man francis lee here my bro
my brother in arms he’s been very very busy he’s been very very busy and i understand trust me guys
francis wants to be here he’s gonna be here pleasure into grandma’s is not easy
pleasure into grandma’s is not an easy thing to do and that’s what my boy’s doing right now
and also shane green that was brought up by alex of twin bill shane green’s in the yankee system doing
pretty well so the yankees have guys that they can
right now with such a big lead the the rotation doing so well
they could easily pin in guys whenever they want and hope somebody catches fire and go hey we got
our guy we got our guy we have our guy they can do that
and that’s the good thing for the yankees is that they have that opportunity they got the wiggle room
they can mess around a little bit if they want they can mess around a little
they can mess around a little bit so
as we get closer and closer to the deadline you guys know ny news tv the designated spitters are gonna be with
you guys hopefully breaking news bringing guys like hector gomez back on bringing our
good friends on uh dan federico is gonna join us around the deadline dan has
broke news time and time over the last couple of years great guy probably get eli fishman back on guys look man
there’s nobody like ny news tv today we blew it up with subscribers let me tell
you guys we absolutely blew it up with subscribers today we did an amazing job broke the record on game season live
game season live we’ll be back again i believe there’s an off day tomorrow
and anybody let me confirm that real quick i believe there is an off day tomorrow yes so the yankees are off tomorrow
nyst will probably be live tomorrow i’ll double check with them
but again guys if you are not subbed to ny news tv you gotta subscribe right now
deadline is coming up july’s almost here there’s no other place to be that’s gonna bring you coverage like we are
like i said hector gomez is lined up for more interviews we’ve already had that discussion dan federico is gonna come on we’ve
talked him earlier in the year he’s gonna come on uh eli fishman will get back on he will reach out to him ny news
tv is gonna do everything we can do for you guys to continue to grow this network forget
channel network is what we’re gonna do tuesday series at the twins three games
that’s what x says and he’s 100 right game season live we’ll be back on tuesday
but guys there is not much else for me to say today
i appreciate you guys you guys already know what i’ve said about you guys i love you all i love my team i love the
guys i work with they’re all phenomenal this is the best new york yankee team
in the planet guys join us on june 25th do not miss it i keep telling you guys
this any way in the world that you can
get over to ny news tv on june 25th at yankee stadium figure it out
do it do it do it do it get to ny news tv day at yankee stadium
join us meet with us have a great time let’s talk let’s discuss things let’s
watch the yankees win together that’s what we’re gonna do designated spitters will be back again
on sunday francis lee should be back let’s get him back let’s get let’s tell francis you
got to join us on sunday you got no other choice francis you got to join us on sunday bro and he will and he will
francis isn’t cutting out or anything you know he’s he’s very busy right now but guys with that being said it’s a bit
of a shorter episode we’ve talked about so much we’ve talked so much already hector gomez
i mean broke two big things for us i mean he’s broke two big things for us already
hector gomez is the reason cevi was paired up with pedro martinez that’s huge news we got the guy right
here that’s huge that is huge news
and he also said the yankees have had some discussions about possibly trading for soto i don’t know if it’ll happen
but there was discussions a couple of weeks ago little chatter out there
so with that being said guys thank you all frances is not here but you guys know the deal right
the next episode is the what let me hear you guys say it
the next episode is the what i’ll wait in the chat and anybody
watching and listening to itunes and everywhere else you already know what it is you already know what it is come on i’m
waiting for my chat to say it the next episode is the
best episode yes fam that is right the best episode and you know for a fact
we designated spitters ny news tv pound for pound we’re the best around
you guys already know too roy my boy roy’s in the house roy what’s going on roy was at the game today tearing it up
roy was at the game today tearing it up but you guys already know the next episode is the best episode and
on top of that we will never come whack on a designated spitters track
much love to you guys i will see you next time talk to you guys later i’m out
before it hits the front page [Music] for the latest yankee
shut the trains [Music]

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Felix Pantaleon is The Founder of The First New York Yankees Content Creator Online, Since 2005.Follow on Social Media Instagram -

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