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put it away[Music]fire boom fire Boon yes indeed the chance started yesterday at YankeeStadium Aaron Boone came out to get ready to bring in clay Holmes and heheard it from the Yankee faithful we’regonna get to that we’ll show that heremomentarily but guys of course I am pizza manetti for NYY news TV and Ididn’t want to take a chance to talk alittle bit about that but then alsoabout the Rays series coming up what theYankees really have to do but AaronBoone has been a mess for the Yankeesfor a while guys you know I don’t haveto go back on all of it anybody that isfamiliar with this channel you know thatI have really been leading this chargeof fire Boon chants of fire Cashmanchance letting your voice as the fan thepaying fan be known that enough isenough we’re tired of this we’re tiredof the nonsense we’re tired of the ofthe no accountability we are tired ofthe excuse New Yorkers have have aspecial radar of sensing and wetypically call it out especially me Icall it out when I see it and I tell youwhat mansomebody even said yesterday well itwasn’t Boone’s fall because clay Holmesdidn’t really blow it it was a couple ofguys he blew it he blew it I don’t wantto hear that so in 2001 if you askedMariano Rivera hey Moe it was a bloopsingle of Luis Gonzalez his battle is agreat pitch did you blow it yeahunfortunately I diddoesn’t matter how it happens you youblew to start so anyway but that’sthat’s Twitter for you know everybody’sgonna gonna find some different thingsbut again guys this is from the New YorkPost today here is the headlinefire Aaron Boone chance ring out afteranother Yankees decision backs backfiresand it should say they’re not Yankeesdecision and Aaron Boone another managerdecision backfires Aaron Boone decisionbackfires and Aaron Boone said I have nohesitation at all this was planned wehave this self-planned in advanceof the moves that we are gonna make ohthat’s the Yankees folks we know a lotof this stuff already right this is whatit is but for anybody who did not hearlet’s go ahead and jump back over uh letme cut that out put this on and let’splay it over here isn’t leftand here’s Quan so it looks likebasically what you have right there istwo different chants going on relativelyat the same exact time of fans voicingtheir displeasure when it comes to AaronBoone and guys this is going back on myend to last year a lot of you guys thatare familiar with meEver Since Aaron Boone I gave him yearone and I always said that witheverybody you got to give this guy yearone but guys it is as clear as day thatthere is something wrong at the Yankeesfor an office there is also somethingwrong at a Yankees Clubhouse this teamnever looks prepared there’s a quotethat I love the Yankees expect to winbut they do not play to win I’ve saidthat I said that in Boone’s first yeartowards the middle of the season theYankees expect to win but they do notplay to win and it’s frustrating as afan because we knew where we were in2017. we knew a lot of things went rightand it had to take some level ofmanagement to get the best out of theseguys a lot of those guys on that clubyou know who I’m talking about whetherit was injury or whatever you want toput it at they kind of trended downwardsimmediately afterwards you know guyslike Tony Payne were gone of course JoeGirardi got fired but there’s somethingin this Yankee Clubhouse I don’t carewhat anybody says and it’s a problem andit’s a disconnect and it’s a seriousdisconnect so the pet Point again if yougo back to the last Point postseason youshould never neverhave an opportunity when you’re startingpitcher is calling out the managertelling the media go ask him I don’tknow I don’t know why I did that go asthat guy what do I know then then yourcloser clay Holmes who’s of course beena topic of conversation this year whenit comes to Boom decisions who has a 555era from the All-Star game last yearI was ready boom goes you weren’t readyhe goes I told him in the morning I wasready I was asked I said yesBoone says no Then they have to have ameeting together to be like oh let’shush this up a little bit here there’s amiscommunication then Harrison BaderI didn’t know I was leading off Boonegoes everybody got a lineup called heshould know you don’t think it was agood idea to pull your guy inside andtalk to himand then Brian cashed me yesterday withhis press same nonsense the process theprocess the process the process theprocess is nonsense that’s what theprocess ishey y’all said in the off-season processnot about a win and loss record guysdon’t get fired because the winninglosses as long as the process is okayit’s good well my understanding is if myprocessis what it should be then whatever goalI’m looking to reach I should be gettingcloser to that or reaching that goalthat’s when you know you got a goodprocessbut guys again just to switch on over tothis this is something you guys knowYankee Stadium needs to be loud fireBoon chance ASAP from start to finishhorrible and you guys know this issomething that I’ve been on for a whilenowonce a get if all of YankeeStadium is not screaming fire Boone atthe top of their lungs we haveissues the starting pitcher is cruisingand it’s just more and more man it’sit’s more and more so we’ll see whathappens but of course guys we have aseries coming up now with the Tampa BayRays as you look right over herehopefully you guys can see it somewhatthere Johnny Brito gets to starttomorrow night Saturday it’ll be DomingoHerman and then on Sunday we get GarrettCole so you guys already know the dealhere Yankees got to take one of thosefirst two no doubt about it Yankees gotto try to take one of those first twoget the W uh hopefully Cole can thendominate but but but butwe gotta see is Harrison Bader gonna beokay to start he collided with ikfanalytics ikf in left field who the hellknows why but he isthat’s the process everybody the processright there for youuh Oswald Peraza who is one of theYankees top prospects of course you guysalready a no to a three whatever listyou check in in the preseason two orthree Yankee top prospect what happenswith Oswald Peraza well he doesn’t playin a couple of days Boone decides topinch run him he comes up with somethingstrained there really hasn’t been muchmore information on anythingum about it sincematter of fact while I’m here I’mactually going to do anotheruh quick check on Oswald Peraza but Idon’t remember reading anythingon why Peraza leftoh let’s seewell let’s take a listen to Boone ohthat’s gonna be too long and plus on topbut I don’t even want to hear his mouthhe rolled his ankle in the base he’sgetting it looked at Aaron Boone said hedoesn’t know if it’d be an IL situationso there we go we don’t know if it’sgoing to be an IL situation for OswaldPerazaum but what we do know we do haveis that this guy right herelet me switch on overJake BowersJake Bowers what absolute Jack job Cityfor the Yankees and boy oh boy I tellyou guys one thing though look at thatswingthat is a 150 swing made for YankeeStadiumnowshould everybodyget their hopes up about Bowers turninginto some regular as Dan Roark here saysJake Bowers will be a Yankee for thenext three to four years I’ll beunbelievable uh go follow Dan Roark bythe way uh good guy I like Dan a lotum but it’s just it’s just it’s funny hegot to swing for it the whole thing forBowers is are those adjustments that hemade that was very much talked about inspring training where he was successfuland then in AAA where he just tore aoff of the ballis that something that’s gonna stickwith him andhe’s a great thing for the Yankees greatthing unfortunately or fortunatelyhowever you want to see itthey got injuries so Bowers should be inthat lineup every single dayleft field who knows Calhoun started tohit a little bit Aaron Boone said WillieBanks well Aaron Boone tip my cap dealWilly’s been banginghe’s been banging I talk about ridingthe hot hand right now he is somewhatthe hot hand we don’t know what’s goingto happen with Peraza but I stillbelieve no matter what Oswald Perazaneeds to be in a Yankee line but he’shealthy it’s a shame what they’re doingwith that kid but that’s a whole notherstory so your Outfield really you gottadecide what that looks like because onething that we got to also talk about isOswaldo Cabrera has not been good I meanI mean he’s been really really badand with Calhoun getting hotwith Bowers getting hoteither this kid got to pick it up orwhat’s gonna happen with Oswaldo CabreraI don’t know we got Stanton hopefullycoming back soonbut the Yankees might have to consideruh you know what does that look likewhen some of these guys get back but asof right now what I need the Yankees todo in the Tampa series is to play JakeBowers every single day ride the hothand see what happensmaybe it’s a it’s a two-week stretchmaybe it’s a month thing where he’s hotmaybe it’s a Mac Carpenter situationmaybe it’s what Dan Rorke said he’s aYankee for a couple years you never knowyou don’t know until you try and theYankees have a great scenario here wherethey kind of have to try so see if thatAAA those AAA numbers carry over alittle bit see if those adjustments mayhave brought out the best of Bowersbefore that in this game to his first ab lined out the Deep left field on abullet so he’s been hitting the ballhard and one thing I talked about I wasactually toldfrom AAA is that he’s barreling upeverything and he did it in Springso again does this mean that that mightbe his only Homer fighting you neverknow doesn’t mean he goes on a rundoesn’t mean he’s a Yankee for theremainder of the year who knows but theYankees got a chance to try they got totry it against the raise because theyneed to win two games the Yankees cannotleavethese next three games against the Raysgoing to Oakland to face the Athleticsdown downanother game they gotta try to pick upat least oneand that means they gotta win two out ofthree against the raceSeries starts tomorrow guys you knowGame season live is gonna be there forit and on top of that folks the nyystpodcast is on tonight 8 30 live do notmiss it Game season is back tomorrowalso tomorrow get yanked is on at 4 P.Malso tomorrow over on Derek’s Channeland yypd before the game soI’ll be busy I’ll be busy but guys likeshare and subscribe to NY news TV on yetor not yet we are closing in on 20000 subscribers 20 000 unbelievableYankee fans let’s keep it rolling guyswe’re a little a little over 4 000 moreto go but you’ll be shocked how fast itgoes you guys are the best I love yourememberwe are real talk for the real fan untilnext time guys I am out talk to you guyslater
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