seems to
seems to foreign
well we had a good game one do we get a
good game too we are gonna find out here very very very
shortly as we are about to get ready and get underway here at NYY news TV Game
season live what is going on everybody it is I the one the only
Pete Simonetti so guys yeah we had a great game yesterday we’ll see how it
goes today but first and foremost I gotta I gotta hit you guys up I gotta come at you guys I gotta see who we got
in this chat we got Riley Moore what’s going on Eric my guy Mr Mike my guy
Anthony Medina my guy my guy all right he got his half
Seas cookies is my guy my guy okay I’m pumped today guys Yankees great how you
doing Hirsch my god this is my guy I’m pumped today
Fam I’m pumped today we got DJ steals up in the house
Mama’s smoking on that good good today yeah it’s my guy
it’s my guy it’s my guy I love DJ steals he I think he thought I was getting like serious with him the
other day and I love him I was like bro I’m joking which I never you know I love I love you seals
Philo what’s going on fam fam what’s going on Luis Martinez Anthony
Garcia that’s my guy King iron balls is in the house that I should be the
Yankees model next year we only play if we got iron as balls all right James
Abel La Yankee
I don’t Johnny Pepe I know Samantha
I know Brad how you know I know
come on fam what’s going on everybody how you guys doing for real how’s everybody doing
guys it kind of sucks man that I enjoy I don’t want to say it sucks because it
doesn’t suck that I enjoy doing Game season it doesn’t suck at all I love doing this
but it sucks that I enjoy it so much even when it’s not the Yankees I gotta make I got a confession
[Music] steals I just gave you some uh
[Music] I’ll do it again I got a confession that
might be better for you to clip that one [Laughter] but no man I really enjoy calling games
yesterday’s game was fantastic it was a great ball game I’m excited about this one framer Valdez uh Zach wheeler on the
Mountain Mike’s side of the sea so this is gonna be an exciting time on normal Millennial he’s a normal Millennial okay
all right okay all right okay all right okay Jason my guy how you doing Brandon
shots I know idle Samantha you working or what Samantha’s always working
Samantha’s always working I tell you I tell you we don’t know if Samantha’s working not working at home chilling
relaxing girl’s always working La Yankee King I don’t kid I don’t care take it easy
Ally All right we don’t need no beefs popping off today we don’t need no beefs popping off today
we need a nice relaxing fun environments
it’s what I’m looking false so I mean guys the fills yesterday’s
game was fantastic JT real Muto with the game-winning solo Jack job the right field Dave Robertson comes in and scares
everybody a little bit but he gets the job done so I’m pumped man
oh she’s on aisle 18 cold and flu give me the music next baby
you’re kidding me you’re kidding me what are we doing over here
get the Mucinex it already started where to forget
is it a game already stuck he’s about to start now yeah Louise Martin he’s rushing me over here he’s rushing me over here
guys as you already know I’ll be tired but I throw it in and I keep this up we got a ball game to call
switch on over to the motherboard here it is folks as
Kyle schwarber sure baby coming into the box now
and the pitch from Frandor Valdez is a call strike on one
oh and one call strike Luis Martinez wants a little steals versus Li oh God
here we go oh allies Li I’m you know what
between you two I’m gonna tell you right now you know what this is my [ __ ] this is my pay-per-view [ __ ] this is my
pay-per-view [ __ ] right here only way I’m reading your guy’s stuff against each other as if it’s a Super Chat yeah
I’m making money baby [Laughter] nah you guys are nuts man you guys are
nuts Ally Why You Gotta jump in look at he’s talking about the dude’s mom and dad in the coffin who speaks this way those speaks this way that ball is low
in 97 the count is now two and one on schwarber
see if we got the fans back in the house today guys you know the deal please share this video like this video you
guys already know the dealio man you guys already know the dealio
pitch outside cat is now three and one on schwarber
from frember Valdez
David Rogers what’s going on my friend how you doing that damn brat
hit up the middle but right there is painia hey I’ll make the play one away
next year that could very well be a base hit that will likely be a base hit Luis
Martinez says ding ding the fight is on between Steals and Ally Brad is egg Brad
I’ll tell you something about my guy Brad man what do they call it what’s that word oh
man he’s the um instigator Brad is an instigator man he’s ready to get the beef going
my man Brad is always ready to get the beef going man David I’m doing good my friend thank you
for asking pitch is low one and oh on Rhys Hoskins batting second today
I think maybe he’s been second I believe I feel like the lineup might be it might have been a little different Maybe I’m
Wrong Maybe I’m Wrong
the 1-0 from Valdez as a call strike 95 on the inside part of the plate count is
now one and one
I think I thought I read something where Rob Thompson might have signed something with the Phillies
or is gonna sign long term with the fills I’m not sure if he did already or not
pitch is fouled away an account is one and two [ __ ] Jones what’s going
on my guy how you doing how you doing filo now saying let’s get ready to
rumble all right everybody excited about this
Daniel J what’s going on my friend how you don’t I don’t I don’t I’m Gonna Keep
evolving to how you doing to something else it’s gonna be a whole new word by the time I’m done with it the one two in
the dirt count us now two and two guys I tell you man uh me and my fiance
we were out all day today I think he signed a three-year deal okay cool Mark
horn how you don’t I don’t me and the fiance were out all day
uh today because you know um next year we’re trying to really grow
like we we grew a ton in year one year two would try to Triple the numbers
uh as the 2-2 is about to be delivered but I want to tell you guys fouled away so me and the fiance today we went out
and we went to Best Buy this place that place gotta get her set up with her computer
gotta get us set up with a monitor she needs to be doing basically what I’m doing that way too she could join me for
a game season live every now and then so we were at work pricing things I actually put together an entire list of
things we need a pitch deck for investors I’ve been working no joke from
eight o’clock to literally just a few minutes ago I ran downstairs like all
right let me finish this send these emails and I’ll get the game going when you own your own company man it’s
an all-day job it never stops but I I love it hope everything goes right and I
continue this so yes yes yes yes yes we are working very very hard
the 3-2 is incoming pitch inside Ball Four good at bat from Hoskins
Valdez looks a little wild here in the first inning that could be good news for the Phillies dad’ll bring up yesterday’s
hero JT real Muto JT real Muto
I know everybody wants the beautiful lovely wonderful fiancee on Game season live I get it I get it I like to see her
on Game season live too we’re gonna get there she’s gonna be on it I promise you guys she will be on it we just want to
make sure it’s the right setup this stuff’s not easy to do you know um and and she’s a big part of what we
do now so she handles all of our social media by the way if you guys don’t know that
um all the video clips all that stuff she handles all of it that’s a call strike the real Muto
so yeah she needs a really good setup uh like I have and we’re working on getting
that we’re working on getting that hopefully we will Alexander Gordon you dirty scumbag yeah how you doing how you
doing you sick [ __ ] yeah I love you guys
you got [ __ ] swung on it missed the cat is now Owen too
I’m laughing because I love you guys man you guys are something else foreign
Felix patted himself on the back today and I’m very happy he did okay Felix
patted himself on the back he put his videos out from 2017 saying trade Gary
for JT he did this one fouled away
yes sir no Ally I think it was 2017 bro I think it was 2017 it was I know it was
because Joe Girardi was manager I remembered it gerardi was manager
and the Yankee fans killed me in 2017 in spring training was it 1706
was 16 or the beginning of 17. he came in overweight
um he came in overweight and I was told by a good friend of mine at the time that the Yankees was very
close with the Yankees at that time he was really close with the Yankees and he said they were very upset with how he
came to camp and I reported on it and people wanted to kill me they hated me
for reporting on it and then A-Rod and everybody else started talking about it then it was like oh yeah Pizza that
remember nobody cares
they also could have traded glabor for Luis Castillo yes I remember that there’s many deals that Brian Cashman
missed out on how about Clint Frazier and chance Adams for Garrett Cole back in the day before he went to Houston
two two swing and I miss hey struck him out Valdez gets a real Muto
that’ll bring up the man Bryce Harper Bryce Harper coming on up
steals with the Super Chat oh no fire much first shots of the night check Discord
oh man let’s see was he coming after me
stew I’ve been working my way back to Duke Dart
I don’t know what the hell that means what is a dude thought [Laughter]
[ __ ] what’s a dood am I missing some guys what’s a DOT I
don’t know what that means oh steals are coming at me now let me see what my woman my dude did
[Laughter] [Music] steals I could never be mad at you
though so you coming at me as a waste of Apple
I’m all out of liquid 1-0 on Bryce Harper I got a game to call
folks come on now I wanna
pitch is a call strike man the count is one and one
count is the uh Ella it wasn’t even about you fam take it easy now get this kids like uh this kid’s like a chihuahua
take it easy it’s about me
hey Isaac come out on he’s going to Italy this kid come on
come on enjoy fam enjoy this one hit on the ground foul then the
count is one and two friend brevaldez first Innings throwing a lot of pitches though
I was Pitch number 21 right there to Bryce Harper
pitch number 22 about to be delivered count as one and two run around first two away
damn right I’ll give you the Ally treatments deals they’ll be playing around fam you know I love you but love
only goes so far baby the one two ah
pitch hit in the air to left Center going back
makes the cash short of the warning track that will end the inning we will head to
the bottom of the first Astros coming on uh
the Astros coming on up
good old Macho Man Randy Savage Macho Man Randy Savage
you know you can make a video for months days all that fun stuff
about how many bad moves Cashman did not make you know what I mean did not make
oh yeah I forgot shout outs to my man Kevin long former Yankees hitting coach everywhere this cat goes he ends up in a
World Series Contender the Nationals the the Phillies uh the Yanks everywhere
this guy goes you know what I mean it’s crazy Pete’s about to undertake a steals look
you guys are my you guys are my fans and my supporters man I love each and every one of you guys
even if we ever have a back and forth I I honestly man I love you guys man you know
I’ll keep it real with you guys today I told you guys this I put together a budget for what we’re looking
for for 2023 we want to really blow up big and we need we need help and um I did our mission statement
and guys anybody who sees it will tell you Pete wow you know the mission statement is
about you guys and how you all and get to interact with what we do just about everywhere and how
important it is that we continue that you know so you guys are a major part of
what we do here and you always will be I’ve always said that I’ve always promised that that will never change
that will never change steals come on fam don’t do it bro
that [ __ ] you know I gotta say this though
I understand in life right always in life we got limits of what we like people to talk about and I get it I
completely understand it but see somebody like Li and I’ve tried to explain this to this kid before
I’ve tried to explain it to him you can’t take things so seriously
you must be able to laugh at yourself you have to do it man you got to be able
to laugh at yourself David Douglas a real professional wrestler in the house
you can learn from David Ally my dude a real professional wrestler up in the
house the legendary one himself up in the house right now you know fam
steers with the super duper hashtag Yanks fans for Phillies after trash
trolls oh [ __ ] steals wants that uh he wants to be from the strolls fans
here’s my man Zach wheeler Zach wheeler on the mound this is gonna
be a fun guy to watch another guy to Yankees Yankees missed out on Zach wheeler also
here is Jose Altuve the pitch roped bass hit down the left field line
cutting it off his schwarber gets it in Altuve with a lead-off double
first picture the game Altuve hacks away and he has a lead-off double for Houston
quickly on threatening the fills here in the first one thing Houston learned yesterday
is that no matter what you do to fight and fills on living by that name they will fight back
space city is happy about Altuve who’s really struggled this postseason if he gets hot now that could be trouble
that could be trouble damn Steel’s going at Ally again
he says but don’t bring my family into Ella But You Gotta Laugh at things in life what you gonna do beat up uh beat upstairs
what you gonna do you know what I mean it’s online fam people are joking around having a good
time you gotta have fun sometimes You Gotta Laugh can’t take a life that seriously
give me one second guys updating my game here I had to refresh
pitch drill base hit down the left field line and Pena is gonna have a double
and the Houston Astros after two pitches are up one nothing
wow that’s how you get things going that’s how you get things going
Stu says watching Carolina football go heels
go heels
go good old heels all right and my game went back to the beginning again is it
gonna do this stupid crap again I can’t stand when it does this so here’s Jordan Alvarez two pitches two doubles for the
Houston Astros my goodness pitches fouled away
Matthew what’s going on man Edwin how you don’t how you don’t how you doing
how you doing Altuve with a double to begin the game
Pena then with the double and here’s Alvarez who hits this one to left field and deep
off the wall and left coming around to score is Pena
it is quickly two nothing Houston three doubles out the gate to start the
game that’s the way you start a baseball game in Houston
is beating the hell out of Zach wheeler early on here three doubles to begin the
ball game foreign
smash that like let’s do it fam
[Laughter] come on man what are you in Li makeup
today let’s do that let’s get you and a lot of makeup cynical says the shipment of buzzes came
in today
oh and one on Alex bregman who had some great plays defensively yesterday
pitch inside almost hit some and account is one and one Houston is
definitely answering back after what happened yesterday no doubt about it guys remember let’s try to get the 100
likes and keep building from that Giants Mafia what’s up fam
bottom one two nothing Houston pitch hit on the ground ashore
throws over got him and there is one away
is that edmundo Sosa playing short today let’s see
felt like that might be Sosa I don’t think that was thought let’s see if that was good old edmundo
Sosa let’s see what game day says
if they ever show it that is edmundo Sosa
uh David no I’ll be honest with you man I haven’t been on social media at all today I haven’t been on social media at
all today
here is Tucker as inside counters Wanna Know
Junior B what’s going on fam [ __ ] Jones I appreciate you Fam
thank you GG what’s going on fam
the 1-0 popped up is it gonna stay in Play No it
will not and the count is one and one
good time for douche you gotta he gotta bend over to help to talk to Altuve
two nothing already Houston if you’re just joining they began the game with three doubles
three doubles they started the game with
pitches up and in and the count is two and one oh no I’m a big fan of um
I’m a big fan of of Wheeler no matter what wheel is my guy
Junior all is well my friend thank you for asking blind fear was good he says slap that
like yes sir hit that like button fam
we almost got 300 likes yesterday let’s do it today pitch hi and the count is
three and one
foreign cool what’s going on man
excuse me
I will check the likes in the top of the second let’s get to 100.
the 3-1 pitch popped up
to center field the catches me
taking up his Alvarez I could have laid a tag down
he would have had him if he was able to make the scoop in a tag he would have had him
a little bit too too uh too hard of a bounce there let’s see it again oh now
I tell you fox is stupid all right yeah show the doubles how about we see the play that was just close these guys have no idea what they’re
doing with those production trucks what are you doing show this afterwards
runner on third base now with two outs and that will bring up Yuli goriel
William Henry pops is doing well man thank you for asking he’s doing well thank you for asking man
Walt what’s going on my friend and thank you for the compliment I appreciate it
I hear that a lot man I’m just having fun you know what I mean I enjoy doing this so I thank you guys
for the compliments I appreciate it I am losing my voice again I haven’t made it heal completely
I don’t shut up I never stop talking so that’s my problem the old one is hit on the ground softly
to short feels fires got him no he drops it wow
wow Houston takes a three-nothing lead
I gotta be an arrow on the first baseman that ball was just missed wasn’t a great
throw don’t get me wrong by edmundo Sosa let’s see it again here throws it over
oh it’s a bad bounce a tough bounce that’s on Sosa Sosa gotta make a good
throw there he had more than enough time to make a good throw Yulie did busted out the box
just not a good throw it’s not a good throwing at Mundo Sosa
wow and it’s now three nothing Astros first last how you doing my friend
foreign steals going at each other still okay
yeah I don’t understand why my guy um what’s his face
why isn’t stop playing stops my guy man even though I think it was over three yesterday but he had some
good at bats I sound like Aaron Boone oh [ __ ] I sound like Aaron Boone now
that ball is low and the count is 1-0
Hoskins is bad defensively but like come on guys there’s no reason about that throw you could blame it on Hoskins and
that is okay but you don’t gotta bounce that throw that’s an easy play come on now shortstop’s got to make that throw in
the air never count out the fighting fills I agree pitch
and let’s remember framer Valdez didn’t look fantastic in the first inning either so we’ll see what happens
Pete Sterling to Pete Boone oh God please Pete Boone shoot me
ah yeah stock got to be in there man no doubt about it pitch as a call strike
count is now two and one on and let me’s Diaz runner on first is Yuli goriel he
reaches on era
the 2-1 pickup attempt at first back is guriel
foreign Bob Hoskins and Jessica Rabbit could have made that play let me tell you one
of my favorite movies of all time Who Framed Roger Rabbit
one of my favorite movies of all time and boy oh boys that one’s fouled away
I don’t care if Jessica Rabbit was a cartoon man oh man let me tell you about Jessica
Rabbit fam all right tell you right now we need like 10 more
likes according to the [ __ ] Jones to get to 100 so let’s get there fam let’s get there
let’s get there
thank you Bedford I appreciate that man and hey struck him out that’ll end the inning
but Houston has a tree nothing lead
here in the first inning headed to the top of the second again three nothing Houston
and I will be right back give me one second guys come back I’m gonna check the numbers all right I’ll be right back
all right I’m back and my fiance already told me that DJ steals I threw in a
super chat here we go Ally reminds me of Bob Costas zuka La mink [ __ ]
oh poor Ally oh my God oh my God let me tell you right now man
let me tell you right now fam these guys will never stop we are at 98
likes guys let’s get to 100. let’s get to 100.
let’s go fam let’s go let’s get to 100 all right
Jeffrey Jamestown baseball commissioner what’s going on man how you doing how you doing my friend Jacqueline Garcia
what’s going on how you doing how you doing
how’s everybody doing how’s everybody doing thank you guys for being here I
appreciate it where’s tits and beers I don’t know I
don’t know what tits and beers went they weren’t like for like one chat and that was it
all right coming up now is Nick Castellanos
pitch for Valdez is a call strike count as o and one
um Jeffrey Jamestown I’m gonna go ahead I’m going with the Phils man I don’t have a dog in a fight to be
honest with you I don’t have a dog in a fight I’m gonna go with the Phil’s though there’s a call strike
quickly Owen two on Castellanos
the O2 fouled away cat remains Owen two
Houston up three nothing quickly he did the same thing a little bit yesterday and then the fight and fills did what
they do best they fight came all the way back to win the game six to five
pitch swing and a miss hey struck him out one away
that’ll bring up Alec bomb
I don’t is Ally even trying to to come back I don’t know we are at 103 likes thank you guys
Jeffrey said he’s going with Houston
pitch is outside one and oh on Alec bomb
make it another tea currently upstairs I’ll be ready to grab that baby soon
pitch fouled away and the count is now one and one
count on bomb
the pitch inside and the count is two and one
three nothing fills here in the top of the second they got up to a vet I mean excuse me Astros got off to a very quick
start three doubles to begin the game third one third run came on an era
John cool I agree with that statement the money says Houston but the heart is
with Philly I kind of feel that way I’d like to see fully peel it off this one hit down the right field line
foul ball I like to see Rob Thompson get that win man get a get a ring Dave Robinson get a
ring that would be nice Kevin long get a ring got some former Yankees on the Phillies
let them get some W’s Valdez is looking better this inning I agree he is
we need some type of championship and NY yeah we do we do inside count is now three and two on
Alec bomb
a 3-2 in the dirt that is Ball Four
so the fighting’s looking to fight runner on first one away that’ll bring
him Jean Segura
Edwin says he’s rooted for Rob Thompson I agree I really want to see somebody’s uh like I said Rob Thompson Harper
um they got good players on his team I want I like to see them win I like to see him get a chance to win
pitch it’s a girl fouls it away and the count is 0-1 he’s going to that big curveball
a lot against the fills
I still see it when I see you my friend thank you for being here
and the count is oh and two
the O2 incoming the pick off attempt at first back is
bomb correct Hirsch hers says Rob Thompson rolls up the ranks coaching in the
Yankees farm for many years before reaching the Biggs that is true many many years he’s deserved it he’s a lifer
he is a lifer no doubt about it
yo too right down the Johnson on the curveball and he struck him out two away
two away
takes the curveball right down to Good Old Johnson looks like Josh Donaldson up there
looking like JD up there it’s a girl
pitches rope foul and the count is oh and one
Matt verling playing center field today I believe for
the Phillies
McLovin what’s up fam what up McLovin
the yellow one the verling pitch hit on the grounds gonna up nope got it
right there at second base I forgot that was a runner first and that’ll end the inning
so Philly not showing much fight right now but remember yesterday it took them to the fourth inning the Scotts go on
some runs so we’ll see what happens but the top of the order getting ready to come up again for the Houston Astros in
the bottom of the seconds but we’ll be back
yeah forever Valdez would be amazing for the Yankees but Yankees got to play with
who they got you know they got to figure their own things out unfortunately and I say unfortunately because I wish
we could just take plays I’ll be nice hey we want you on a team come hang out with us you know but
unfortunately it doesn’t work that way it does not work that way unfortunately would be nice if it did but it doesn’t
you know be very nice if it did but it doesn’t 110 on the likes
Medina says steals with a mic drop damn
I don’t think Li tried too much to come back and and uh I don’t think he really wanted to fight
with uh with DJ steals today it seemed like
yes Dave Dombrowski has done a great job he’s done a great job a lot of people don’t like Dave dembrask because he
comes in and like moves assets for uh ready guys but hey
as track record is fairly good I mean a lot of times it gets teams there that he’s like kinda to
police the system but I mean if he gets you there he gets you there what are you gonna do
for Soto from Detroit I don’t know if that’s a
man there’s a lot of things you could trade uh you could trade Taurus for then get a pretty decent start of a
Laboratories I really believe that he had a better year this year his year was not bad this year
unclone Capone yes sir three nothing Houston
damn Li’s not going as steel saying he’s coming with the weak [ __ ]
damn Luis Martinez is at this level any MLB team can make it far when properly
managed I think it’s I think it’s an organizational thing I think it really
goes to philosophy nobody can convince me that the Yankees shouldn’t be up there with the best guys but
I agree with that Hirsch I don’t disagree with that I tell you what man if I could get
anybody from the Marlins if I could get anybody for the Marlins give me Trevor Rogers man
if we could figure out a way to get Trevor Rogers yo sign me up man
sign me up sign me up I’ll be all over it I’ll be all over it
one and one on McCormick pitch from wheeler
fouled away and the count is one and two
one and two
yes William that’s a good way to put it Dave dabrowski loves him then leaves them facts
that’s a good way to put it
count is now two and two on CHAS McCormick well Alcantara is not realistic Yankees
aren’t getting the Alcantara unless they’re giving up Dominguez Volpe and a few others they’re not getting Alcantara
pitch outside um so when I’m thinking of a guy that’s
like maybe we can get him Trevor Rogers might be an ace down the
line he has that type of stuff
we do got a lot of idiots in this organization there’s no denying that the 3-2 to McCormick
fouled away we’ll do it again 97 heat right there from wheeler
who do I think plays first base of Rizzo leaves I think they may put DJ lemayu there
I think they might consider putting lemayu there
yes Jeffrey of course that is okay my friend no doubt that is ball Ford McCormick not the way that wheeler wants
to start the second inning please guys look the stuff is down there um at NY news TV on Instagram I’m on
Instagram on Twitter everywhere just type in NY news TV you’ll probably find us
we even got a tick tock believe it or not my fiance is handling all that stuff
she does an amazing job as you guys already know of building our social media
Arby our good friend RB also takes care of the Twitter NY news TV said a partner
on that a little bit Arby’s doing a fantastic job
pitch to Maldonado is a call strike 0-1
Martin Maldonado a runner on first base nobody out
for the Astros they get the lead off walk from Chas McCormick
the 01 pitch from wheeler
hit on the ground foul and to count his own too
yeah the beautiful lovely wonderful fiance is an MVP no doubt about it there’s no doubt about that
foreign ATO 235 this postseason two RBIs
he was one for three in yesterday’s game
Clarence what’s up fam how you doing pitch swing and a miss hey
struck him out one away that’ll bring up the top of the order for Houston
Jose Altuve coming on up
Andrew Kelly was good fam
the older Cashman gets the more he looks like Uncle Festa he’s morphing slowly into Uncle Fester
the left field line the pitch popped up
and who is gonna be there second baseman’s calling for it and it catches maid and there are two
away I was Gene’s a girl I’m making a catch
two outs that’ll bring up Jeremy Pena who also doubled in the first inning
and why why cook TV [Laughter]
NYY Cooks TV I should do that [ __ ] no I got no time I got no patience
uh here’s Jeremy Pena the pitch outside then the counters want to know
bottom of the second inning three nothing Houston the pitch from wheeler
Mike how you doing fam line to left field call that short and that will end the inning we will
head to the top of the third three nothing Houston folks I will be right
back I gotta make a cup of tea
okay we are back sorry guys took me a little longer to warm up the tea
well warm up the pot for the water yeah I want the water first you put the water in the Deep eye you make a little tea
all right that’s what I had to do that’s what I had to do
pitch from Valdez is outside one and oh top of the third inning and Mundo Sosa
will lead up nine one and two Dane how you doing my friend how you
doing pitch is a call strike count is now one and one Jordan how you doing Jordan what’s going
on fam did I miss anything while I was gone I don’t know
Luis Martinez I ain’t talking about sabado higante okay all right little sabado he got there
okay all right okay all right okay
Ron duffney how you doing fam how you doing how you doing one and two on edmundo
Sosa the pitch from up for Amber Valdez steps
off the man he goes not today baby boy not today wanted to count on Sosa
here in the top of the third inning Houston with a three-nothing lead three
runs in the bottom and a first for Houston
that’s low then the count is two and two
Thirty likes away from 150 folks let’s do it let’s do it
I see John Middleton the owner of the Phillies this ball fouled away and the count remains two and two
two and two count on Sosa to begin the top of the Third
the tutu fouled away
Philly is chasing the off speed a lot from Frandor Valdez and of course it’s not easy to lay off
it we all know that it’s not an easy pitch to lay off but but I will say this
uh it is allowing framer to get ahead very easily space was here a little early I don’t
know if he’s still here hey struck him out fourth K to gain for
framer Valdez one away that’ll bring up the top of the orders starting with Kyle schwarber
yeah it’s kind of nice to see an owner at a ball game isn’t it William it’s kind of nice it would have been
nice to see how Steinbrenner at a you know a couple of postseason games for the Yankees I I think it would have
actually I think it would have said something to the fan base but he’s on a boat somewhere in the Pacific
he’s on a boat in the Pacific somewhere one of his Yachts chilling having a good time having fresh made meatballs a
little uh shrimp you know what I mean living a good life as a call strike gonna count as one and
one on Kyle schwarber framer Valdez
looking good right now curveball is filthy you got a filthy One X thank you
for subbing that’s in the dirt and it count is one and two
yep Hersh you are spot on man you are spot on you are spot on
that I’ll have a new one
the one two fouled away we’ll do it again Hal is on a yacht to Nowhere Hal’s brain
is a yacht to nowhere okay
the one two in the dirt and the count is two and two
oh man Louise damn fam oh my God
I love you guys man oh [ __ ] oh do I love you guys one away here at
the top of the third count is two and two on Kyle schwarber
Dom Anthony how you doing how you doing Dom Anthony how you doing
the tutu and the dirt and the count is now three and two
ah nice hot tea yes yes that hits the spot the 3-2
hit in the inner right field going back dunks in for a base hit schwarber is gonna hold up
it’ll be a long single for Kyle schwarber runner on first base one away that is
the first hit of the ball game for the Phillies
you got jammed but he was able to muscle it out to right field dunks it in for a base hit
sports fan 2000 what’s up he says now the Astros are in trouble well we’ll see if the Phillies fight
back let’s see if the Phillies do some fighting back
as a call strike
swing and a miss count is now 0-2 on Rhys Hoskins
Hoskins looking to do something to make up for that error he made at first base he was part of that play I won’t put it
all on him because in my opinion and Mundo Sosa needs to make that throw
but it did lead to a run the O2 two Hoskins pitch hey
struck him out two away
the Phillies have balls something the Yankees lack no doubt about it no doubt about it
no doubt about it tornado sky that has a lot to do with it
you know they’re like family they basically grew up together so they are definitely like family
yeah Valdez got one of the best curveballs in baseball by far no doubt about it sharp with break you don’t
always see that combination sharp with break very nasty very nasty
Israel Muto [ __ ] hit on the ground feel them by bregman throws across the
battle in the inning three shutout innings for framer Valdez will head to the bottom of the Third
Houston coming on how you guys don’t how you doing
everybody how you doing uh Brad said the Phillies don’t have a
mental coach uh showing them you know past highlights of horrible times in your organization’s history it’s only
the Yankees do that not everybody does that the Yankees do it all right Yankees enjoy that stuff Yankees seem to enjoy
torture I guess
give me one second guys I’m working on a couple of different things real quick let me reach out here
what is going on here
foreign snag what’s going on man
good old snag up in the house what up snag
beautiful lovely wonderful fiance puts up the memberships there thank you thank you thank you why not of course
gotta join the memberships guys like I tell you we got some things we’re working on right now when it comes to NY
news TV prospects I think you guys may really
like it so stay tuned for that stay tuned for that
we’re working on some really cool things for you guys I give you my word guys know how it is
all right Yankee should hire the amazing creskin as their mental coach
I tell you who they should hire I wish he was still alive God Rest his soul
um Sam Kinison would have been amazing as the Yankees mental coach
that’s what they need for their mental coach get Sam Kinison on the job
that’ll make things right that’ll make things right I tell you right now
that’ll make things right bottom of the third coming up Houston’s
still up three nothing it’ll be Alvarez bregman and Tucker against Zach wheeler
a ball fouled away to count as 0-1-1
yep Mr Mike says cashmere outraged that
Donaldson did not win the Silver Slugger I’m sure they are the 0-1
he had great at bats is high and the count is one and one
he had great at bats folks yes he did Sam Kinison was the man an absolute
legend of the game no doubt about it pictures inside of the count is two and one
on Alvarez wheeler definitely doesn’t have his best
stuff overall but he could click any second he could click in a moment the 2-1
hi and the count is three and one it’s not hitting his spots with a
snag I feel you fam I feel you on that one
Dom Anthony I wouldn’t wouldn’t Shock Me Pitch inside Ball Four
Alvarez walks on five pitches and a lead-off walk again
and you see the arm angles right there from Zach wheeler
it’s phenomenal stuff I mean he really does have great stuff he could click at any moment too that’s
the thing with a guy like wheeler we saw Nola do it a bit last night where he struggled early and then he just clicked
and he looked fantastic by the way last batter you faced he came and then
Thompson took him out Thompson called a great game yesterday but um he looked fantastic
pitch the bregman is did he go yes he did up and in jammed them
and to count as 0-1 pregnant did not like the call let’s see it here
yeah I’d say he went around he definitely went definitely went through the zone right there no doubt about it
laughs oh and one on bregman
the pitch outside one and one
Dennis says the hits are coming for Philly let’s see let’s see if Philly could do it again
let’s see if Philly can do it again it would be something to see yesterday’s game I really enjoyed it was a hell of a
game yesterday was a hell of a ball game and it is the one one
ah [ __ ] outside two and one
runner on first base nobody out two one count
so what I would say it’s a all-time classic World Series game yesterday
swing and a miss good location on the heater there
foreign is now two and two perfect location
right there from wheeler
Hirsch is a man of many one-liners folks I thought Bruce Campbell had the most
one-liners from Army of Darkness and Evil Dead I don’t know I think Hershey gives him a
run for his money I think he gives him a run for his money
three and two count now on Alex bregman
so from two two to three two big pitch coming up
wheeler to the set the three two hit on the ground that could be two and it’ll
get one and I’ll get two big double play for the Philadelphia
Phillies two outs nobody on
good turn right there by Sosa and Segura Segura was not deterred at all
when Alvarez coming into second base Laboratories probably would have threw
that ball 12 rows up he probably would have threw that damn ball somewhere else who knows
pitch is in the dirt Wanna Know that’ll bring up Kyle Tucker who was the
man for Houston yesterday he was the man for Houston
pitch popped up center field and the catch is made we
will head too the top of the fourth three-nothing game can the Phillies
do what they did just yesterday
when they got hot in the fourth innit they were perfect game
for Verlander through three and then they just took off so let’s see if they got it in them today
headed to the top of the fourth inning it is three nothing Houston
Killer Joe up in the house what’s going on fam what’s going on fam
game two Phillies up one nothing we’re gonna have a good time over here folks
always having a good time over here you guys already know the dealio
you guys already know the dealio
Jack what’s going on fam Joe I’m being I’m being a good guy today
man just got a cup of tea fan there ain’t no whiskey in here
just a cup of tea all right yeah a little out of that in there Joe
you know the hand is that you gotta know Deanna zaga pull the line is that in there you know have a good time little party
a little party going on folks guys already know the deal you guys already know the deal come on
now we are one like away from 130 smash that
like a double tone smash the like of the button
smash the like at the button
Joe just grabbed himself some modelos all right Joe oh man Killer Joe
hold on a second um damn I want to say
is it
you’re 21 now 21st when’s the birthday again happy belated
birthday I never said happy birthday to you [ __ ] your little scumbag yeah I never said Happy Birthday to You Killer
Joe when was the birthday again fam I forgot I’ll be honest I forgot I hate saying that I knew it was your birthday but you
just reminded me when you said the modalism god Joker pick up modelos now and [ __ ] I forgot
I mean I knew it was your birthday in October I just forgot what it was 21st for some reason I feel like the 21st is
that right Am I Wrong how wrong am I
how wrong am I here I gotta be wrong John cool hit the like button that you
had a 20 21 now so I can drink legally the 17th there it goes
there it goes okay the 17th all right
first pitch from Harper he goes through and he swings all in one
the old one to Harper Valdez gets him swinging again to count as Owen two
the O2 isn’t coming the pitch fouled away we’ll do it again
of course fam no problem no problem
and he has not been id’d once look at that hey I remember my days of 21 now I was id’d
I got id’d recently ID I don’t know if it’s just like you know I don’t think I look that young I
look pretty pretty old to be honest [ __ ] Hersh knows Hirsch seen me in person
multiple times like Pete’s an old [ __ ] God people e42
foreign early 30s folks but I tell you what
I act like I’m 12 so you know what is one of this what are you gonna do Mark D Maria how you doing I don’t
I don’t I don’t
how you doing ah
the old two timeout’s called Harper steps out the box does a little walk around there yeah
it’s back in there never wanted to grow up and pay bills nope I’m right there with you man never
want to pay bills ah the hell with it let’s not pay him
the hell wouldn’t let’s not pay them hey struck him out and Valdez
Valdez got a filthy curveball today filthy curveball today
I tell you right now it has one away as Valdez Strikes Out
Harper what a beautiful curveball
it’s a chiliano and why why I’m doing great my friend how you doing how you doing
pictures hit on the ground softly fielded by bregman throws across got up good Scoop my glorial
and there’s two away
we right now how you doing how you doing foreign
should pay all bills for a year I agree I agree a year minimum minimum
minimum a year out of the social how you doing my friend how are you how are you
Medina got the half Seas cookies they banging Medina I’m telling you fam
telling you pitch is fouled away from Alec bomb
and it count as Owen one two away nobody on here for the fills
Houston looking to show him that it was it was a fluke
yesterday and trying to shut the fills down today
framer Valdez has done a good job so far the 01
inside and the count is one and one
yes that is very true Mark horn no doubt about it he gives up a lot a lot of
ground balls yes he does Medina I’m telling you fam no doubt
about it no doubt about it man no doubt about it the one one that’s low and the count is
two and one
two and one on Alec bomb the third baseman for the Phillies
the 2-1 pitch swinging a miss two and two
at curveball fam that is a thing of beauty
that is a thing of beauty
they got one uh the half Seas cookies I’m a fan of candy corn these cats are
sending me a candy corn cookie guys I I can’t get over this I can’t wait to get it candy corn cookie you kidding me 2-2
hey hey struck him out
Valdez with two K’s in the top of the fourth three nothing Houston
headed to the bottom of the fourth then ain’t gonna be goriel Diaz and McCormick coming on up
coming on up
now these cookies are stupid no I’m not even look
there there you know half these cookies is a startup Small Time Business
we are a startup business also we’re obviously doing two different things
but there terrific they are I’m telling you guys I’m not even bullshitting you guys
they’re amazing they’re amazing amazing
and by the way too they’re awesome people that that also helps when you’re really cool that also
helps and they’re really a good group of people
Alexander Gorda says yeah they weren’t ready for Amber frambers uh curveball I don’t think anybody be ready for him
with the way crambo looks right now I don’t think anybody be ready for him
he looks terrific thank you to about the 10 new Subs we
got so far today thank you guys I appreciate you
oh those Milano cookies are banging those Milanos are banging I know I know
I know I know but my only go-to cookie right now is my half Seas cookie that’s my
only go-to right now
I don’t think Brad understands our American
language and ways of speaking good old kangaroo guy all right Kangaroo Jack over there hi
stupid ass and good fam okay all right Brett
but let me send Eli over there kangaroo back and all her mouth that baby
and I might enjoy that [Laughter]
‘ll I might enjoy riding the kangaroo I don’t even know he might enjoy that [ __ ]
oh the rainbow cookies are banging come on now
come on now
okay we are headed to the bottom of the fourth it’d be goryel Diaz and McCormick
up for
oh you guys know I love you you guys know I love ya
pitch is outside
Li says he would name the kangaroo Kevin I bet you would hit on the ground softly
Feels by salsa throws got him one away goriel retired
and it looks like wheeler is settling down three runs in the first nothing since then
that’ll bring up and let me Diaz foreign
steel says like everyone in here support Li hey yo Pete how does that sound
because why the [ __ ] none of these dudes had his back when it was on the ground
I mean steals I I I I I just gotta say honestly
I think the Undertaker line that you put out there was like the end of it all I really do I think we could have walked
away from this whole thing after the Undertake a tweet I mean uh not tweet the Super Chat
I think the Undertaker Super Chat should have been a shake hands moment
and just should have been all right guys you know we’re done after this that’s it you killed him it was a KO the 1-1
hit on the ground is short again Sosa feels fires got him two away
that’ll bring up Chad McCormick Chad McCormick excuse me
got some football tomorrow folks Bears versus Cowboys at one o’clock that my 49ers play the Rams tomorrow I
don’t like that matchup for the 49ers they’ve been struggling a bit
two outs that’ll bring up chess McCormick pitch showing a bunt
too hard down the third base side and it’s a foul ball
oh and one on McCormick wheeler looking to have a fast fourth inning
hit up the middle base hit for McCormick so the inning will extend
for Martine Maldonado two outs runner on first base here in
the bottom of the fourth wheeler only at 52 pitches by the way
so they’ve been jumping on Wheeler early in this game his pitch count isn’t terrible for the fourth inning
and no Debo either that’s right that is right
Terry how you doing Terry what’s going on man
yeah I know a lot of people are excited about their Giants they’ve been fantastic
is the pitch to Maldonado lying to left field corn at Third Base
by bomb what a nice catch
and that will end the inning we will head to the top of the fifth
top of the fifth coming up for the Philadelphia Phillies against
framer Valdez
so what up everybody how you guys doing how you guys doing
Louise says big blue all day they’re playing good ball man they’re playing good ball
Alexander Gorda says it’s blatantly rigged
yeah Terry um the Phil’s gonna have to be very very good right now I mean to come back in the way Valdez Lux I don’t
think many offenses would come back with the way he looks right now but we’ll see what happens
William I agree Bob definitely turned it around he has he’s been very very good
I just think Li I think you take um you take this stuff way too seriously man
if you just have fun with this stuff you’d have no issues nine likes away from 150 let’s blow it
on up let’s blow it on up
CLI that’s your problem right there I’m going to teach Eli a lesson real quick you guys ready for this
anytime somebody gives you a compliment you throw it back in their face that’s your
problem you never receive a compliment and say thank you you immediately go to
oh no I’m not you immediately go to feeling sorry for yourself so nobody’s gonna feel happy
for you either that’s the problem
somebody’s giving you a compliment how about you receive it instead of pushing it back at them
makes no sense fam come on now
Samantha says she’s almost out of this god-forsaken place wow
Ghost Adventures crew I’m telling you right now
I ain’t in for that Supernatural [ __ ] I’ll tell you right now I ain’t walking in the whole [ __ ] house and hearing
some little kids laughing at footsteps coming behind me I ain’t that ain’t for me that ain’t for me I’m out that [ __ ] I
don’t play with that nonsense all right I don’t play with that okay I don’t play with that stuff
so three nothing Houston top five top five we go it’ll be Gene’s a girl pitch
as a strike oh and one
damn Brad damn Brad Reuben
my guy was going off fam base hit the right field that’s the way
to start for Segura and Segura gets the fills off
do a quick start here in the top of the fifth inning base hit the right my friend Reuben says stopping by to
drop a like and appreciating your work brother really besides bringing back Rizzo benintendi and judge Correa would be a
great Third Base when Peraza short and Cabrera as super utility yes Reuben no doubt fam
no doubt about it no doubt about it
here’s Matt verling the pitch
curveball inside 1-0 you know a lot of people want to sit there and say lay off that curve it
ain’t that easy that’s a hell of a curveball to try to lay off that’s a beautiful pitch
Phil’s plate they have nothing to lose that’s a great way to play baseball
it’s a great way to play baseball hey we got nothing to prove and we got nothing to lose we made it here play
baseball play one game at a time and don’t have a worry in the world just play ball
it depends on how your manager is you know it depends on how your manager is
If your manager works that well that’s a good mindset to have the Yankees play with no urgency as I’ve
been saying for years about the Yankees they expect to win they don’t play to
Ella you’ve been giving compliments before I don’t want to hear that [ __ ] I’ve given you compliments before so
don’t try acting like I’m stupid you just don’t know how to take it because you want people to feel sorry
for you and life don’t work that way baby boy life don’t work that way
swinging a Miss count as one and two on verling runner at first base is sagura
the one two from Valdez hit on the ground I could be two as one
there’s two huge double play for framer Valdez
two away nobody on
Richie Martinez what’s up my friend how you doing how you doing
Boone is the worst manager in the world take them take them
are they challenging this no I didn’t think so okay
two outs pitches in the dirt to edmundo Sosa
what’s going on Walt
some people don’t like being complimented some people don’t like it but Li goes around saying he’d never
been complimented and that’s a lie that’s a lie
okay Ally I’m I’m gonna just disregard you I’m just gonna disregard you
I’m gonna go ahead and disregard you pitch is a call strike and the count is two and one on Sosa
top of the fifth inning three nothing Houston Valdez has been terrific yet
again for Amber Valdez turning into one of the better left-handed pitchers in Major
League Baseball the 2-1 curveball stays up Sosa fouls it away
and the count is now two and two
thank you Reuben thank you Reuben thank you Reuben yes
Anthony Medina said ungrateful facts pitch hi and outside
three and two now in edmundo Sosa
on Deck is Kyle schwarber
the 3-2 incoming two outs nobody on for the fills
top five three nothing Houston with all their runs in the first inning wheeler has been good since the
first inning Valdez fouls it away Valdez has been
good since the first pitch of the game he’s been fantastic
Phillies of course lead the series one nothing
the three two hey struck him out looking right down the
Johnson that’ll end the inning will head to the bottom of the fifth
Houston coming on up
um I haven’t really talked to my dad about 2023 yet to be honest with you but
um look man he he’s he’s in the same mindset as the
majority of the fans um that Boon should be gone cashmere should be gone they gotta get rid of the
Dead weight on the team he’s a huge Aaron judge fan so he will not be too happy if Aaron
judge leaves hell root for the Yankees of course but he’ll follow Aaron judge no doubt
about it um but of course he’ll always root for the Yankees he’s been his team since a child so um yeah but but he’s at the same
mindset as just about all of us where we kind of feel like we know what needs to be done but the Yankees refuse
to do it it’s kind of that same mindset man
Jack Huffman says the Philly’s momentum is fading
and FedEx ever merged with UPS the company will be called Fed Up
yeah yeah fed up baby
Hurst got the best jokes Hirsch got the best jokes damn it
Brad pops will come on man The Voice man his voice is still not
you know his voice is still not where it needs to be man it makes me very happy that that you guys want to hear from him
man but um I I don’t know if his voice would be able to handle a full game uh he’s still
he’s still in a bit of a you know recovery mode so to say he’s in the best health he’s been in a long time he’s
lost the most weight he’s probably the lightest he’s ever been right now uh probably since his early Adult Day
ages you know so you know what I mean so
we’ll see we’ll see what happens well see what happens
okay bottom of fifth dad jokes are no doubt about an
underrated I’m right there with you Hurst you keep them coming fam you keep them coming
thank you Anthony I appreciate it fam interview on designated spitters maybe
we can make that work at some point we can make it work at some point there’s a call strike
count as Owen one from wheeler to Altuve top of the order for Houston here in the
bottom of the fifth Altuve one for two on a day the pitch
it up the middle base hit Altuve
Jose Altuve with a lead off single
second hit of the game CeCe is on the juice no doubt about it
that is a great Point notice the positives notice the positives
get an take it to a [ __ ] farm and leave her there now you got a chicken tender
stupid man laughs runner on first base no Wild’s pick off
attempt at first now two ways back Ella you knew that stop playing stupid
come on
the pitch from wheeler there’s a strike right down the Johnson
and the count is all in one what has this chat become sports fan I
have no idea I have no idea
well I tell you what um having a heart attack will definitely get you in shape at least I think most people
I think most people I got an amazing journey when it comes to losing weight so I I understand the
hards of it you know it’s uh it’s put it like this it’s better to be in pretty good shape
than not be that simple fouled away and they count as o and two
on Jeremy Pena
wheeler wants a new ball
the O2 the set the pitch
hey struck him out it’s like he went to the curveball on
the outside corner there and he gets Pena one away
big strikeout right there
a Reuben if you’re in the chat yes sir I would love to have you on
yes sir if you’re in the chat Reuben let me know you heard that
here’s Air Jordan one of the better players in the game
right here is Alvarez pitch inside 1-0
I’ll contact you Reuben I’ll contact you not this Sunday probably get you on next Sunday
I’ll probably get you on next Sunday the 1-0 is hit two second could be two
they’ll get one no he beats it good hustle from Jordan
Alvarez and there’ll be two outs now with a runner on first base
good pick at first base from Hoskins it would have beaten anyway it’d Beat It Anyway
by the way guys designated spit is tomorrow 5 p.m live myself and raw Thompson
and then on same night Sunday the nyyst podcast
will be live tomorrow at 8 30.
all right what’s going on here
Dusty Bakers have to have a talk here
let’s see what they’re discussing
I don’t know what they could be discussing here I’m assuming it had to be something
about the double play but you would have had to challenge that
at second base if you felt somebody was off the bag Maybe
I don’t I’m not sure what this could be about
and here’s Dusty Baker he’s back to talking with the umps I’m not sure if I missed something here
or they’re talking about the double play call but I mean to feel this choice
I mean they felt he wasn’t on at second base
time to do with Stakes or football or Capital One for the moment I’m shocked
yeah it looks like they’re looking if he ever touched second base see it again here I mean to me it looks
like he touched his second base let’s see it from this angle
it’s like he dragged his foot on second I I don’t know what the I mean to me it looks like a geed touch
the bag
and my thing about that is isn’t there a time limit on that
I mean he waited a while to challenge that I thought there was a
time limit I guess not I thought there was a time limit I guess
there’s not
so they are challenging everyone’s on the bag at second
to me it looked like he dragged his foot across it so it looked like he was on it to me
we’ll see what the call eventually is here ‘s the Highlight again
um uh and Mundo Sosa gets it and it looks like he drags his foot across the back of the bag
from what I’m seeing let’s see what the call is here we go
and he is out at second base
so it’s gonna be exactly what we thought
kind of a weird thing the challenge I thought it was fairly obvious but we will
still have two outs with a runner on first base
uh Julie David thank you so much I appreciate that
Oscar what’s going on man how you doing how you doing the pitch from wheeler to Alec bregman
Alex bregman pitch inside 94 miles an hour inside there to count is one and oh
two away no one runner on first
four bregman oh for two in a day three nothing Houston bottom five
the pitch
inside 2-0 two and oh Muhammad you continue to ask this
question we have not heard from Francis in about two months your guess is as good as mine but
Francis is no longer part of my news TV we don’t wait for people here you don’t ghost us and come back
I have no idea where Francis is he got my number he could call me reach out to me my entire team whenever he likes he’s
chosen not to do that this one crushed the left center field bregman makes this
a five-nothing game two run Jack job to
left center field Houston we got a problem Philly
five nothing Astros
wow wow wow wow
two run Jack job for Alex bregman
and Wheeler is gonna have to be wheeled out tonight
they’ll stay in here to face Kyle Tucker [ __ ] outside Wanna Know
synthetic sounds I don’t I don’t how you doing
yeah the wheels have come off so to say no doubt about it
three and oh now on Kyle Tucker tell you what man wheeler can’t last too
much longer he can’t last too much longer I’ll tell you that much
doesn’t get the cold there and that’s Bowl four Tucker with the two out walk Adam bring
up Yuli goriel well see how much longer Rob Thompson’s gonna stay with wheeler here
I mean that home run pitch right there to uh to
bregman was right down the Johnson right down the Johnson
foreign so bottom five five nothing now
as Houston adds two more here in the fifth they’re not done yet here’s goriel swing enemus and they count as 0-1
foreign hit on the ground a third base gonna be
a long throw good Scoop at first base and that will end the inning but
the Houston Astros take a five-nothing lead on a two-run jack job by Alex
bregman we will head to a top of the sixth framer Valdez looking
to continue to put up some zeros
Reuben I don’t know if anything’s gonna wake these guys up you know what I’m saying I mean I I don’t know if anything’s gonna wake
these Yankees up I don’t know I don’t know oh Muhammad he’s okay I checked in with
his brother his brother said he’s fine he’s just ghosting us for whatever reason no idea no idea some people aren’t Built
For This some people aren’t Built For This you know there’s nothing you could do about it
Stephen says the Astros activated trash cans today all right you know they’re never gonna Live down 2017.
they’ll never lived down 2017 but they’re a good ball club man air good ball Club
they’re a really good team
Pete Mancuso what’s up man what up how you doing how you don’t
I don’t I don’t I don’t 155 on the likes thank you guys
thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
got a new show coming this off season for you guys I gotta get the papers the papers
I’m gonna chill I’m gonna look up news articles I’m just gonna talk it’ll be something for the off season
you know you got to have things going on at the off season gotta have things going on at the off season
yes yes yes
you know I I Cashman got me wondering
because he shifted on finally getting a contract and contact and lefties with Rizzo ikf and benintendi
could it be a start of the sink in one thing for sure ikf can be a starter
you know cashman’s biggest problem is his ego it’s been that way for a long time and
um it’s his main problem his main problem is that he can’t give up on the moves he’s made
you know you know what I mean so it is it is what
it is what are you gonna do what are you gonna do man what are you gonna do
Yankees getting old Tawny I think that might be something they visit if Aaron judge left but um I don’t I don’t see
Otani uh coming to the Yankees or the Yankees making that trade
it’s cashman’s ego it’s no doubt that
his friend bur Valdez
as a call strike
oh and one on Kyle schwarber
the old one from Valdez pitch hi and the count is one and one
Valdez has been terrific this game 81 pitches now
here in the top of the sixth
pitch oh nasty strike right there
and the count is now one and two
Super Chat for my guy James veir play a little franchise in the off-season oh God
huh pictures in the dirt and the count is two and two little MLB to show
a little MLB to show we’ll see we’ll see So Korea can be the best third
baseman in the AL no doubt about it no doubt about it get me Correa on this damn team
two two oh Valdez doesn’t get the call there
I thought he had him on that one I thought he froze sherbert Sherbert sherbert
I thought he froze Sherbert there doesn’t get the call
so three and two now on schwarber pitch
doesn’t get that one that one’s definitely outside and that is a lead-off walk for Kyle schwarber that’ll
bring up Rhys Hoskins foreign
could play Third Base no doubt about it no doubt about it Correa is one of those guys where
he’s like he’s like an A-Rod in the sense of where his Fielding is and you could just see it he could play
Third Base fine Correa could play Third Base no doubt about it no question
here’s Hoskins pitch there’s a call shrike man they count his
own one Peraza looked amazing at shortstop he
did he looked terrific at shortstop I agree Ruben I agree
the 01 pitch swing and a miss
and the count is O and two foreign
again this year we’ll see where he plays part plays short again I mean third base again
pitch line base hit and the Phillies got something cooking
here in the sixth first and second nobody on
as Hoskins ropes a base hit the left Center ah it’ll bring up JT real Muto
can the Phillies Mount another comeback they were down five nothing in game one
they came all the way back to win it six to five can they do it again
first and second for real Muto Valdez does get a lot of ground balls so
you got to be careful but if he hangs that curve and you’re looking for it you could do
some damage
David Rogers says oh no Deja Vu again
pitch fouled away
huh Ally is a special character man heck Daenerys warming up pitch in the dirt
and the count is one and one
I got nothing to say I got nothing to say
I have nothing to say 162 on the likes hit that like button
fam the one one
pitch the real Muto that was the pitch right there to hit he got a curveball and he hung it
real Moodle fouls it away to count is now one and two he won’t get that again I don’t think
I don’t think he gets that again
the Phillies are one for eight were Runners on base tonight so they haven’t had that big clutch hit maybe they could break it open with
something like that put themselves that momentum Factor
the one two the real Muto pitch goes to the curveball again
real Moodle gets a piece of it well do the one two yet again pitch number 93
about to be delivered from Valdez
yeah Reuben is not even a comparison man between those two guys I mean it’s not even close uh Korea would be
such an upgrade for the Yankees and it makes so much sense you got all this youth on the team
you’re gonna add another contract hey struck him out
goes to the fastball upstairs at 96. and he gets real Muto swinging
that’ll bring up Bryce Harper can Harper have his moment
here as a big Striker for Valdez
laughs her says Eli in bed with Manny would be
a Class Act oh God I tell you
Hirsch is the man hit on the ground a second that could be two they’ll get one
hell get two frambra Valdez gets ground balls he’s
never in trouble Harper grounds into the double play
and that will end the inning we’ll head to the bottom of the sixth Houston five Philly’s nothing
give me one second guys I’ll be right back hit that like button fam
okay we are back bottom Six coming on up at let me Diaz McCormick and Martin
Maldonado coming on up
okay all right he’s talking to talking a little guy bregman here right now
pitch to bregman
I’m sorry not bregman it’s Diaz is low
pitches popped up and the catch is made there’s one away
bloody in the game a little Italian right here
Andrew Bellotti
bricks nation is sick of Hal steinburn he’s sick of Hal steinburner fam he’s
fed up he’s had enough is that enough
Bellinger is a Cashman move no doubt about it I agree did he go around
and no you wanna know I’m McCormick
Andrew Bellotti
the one oh
McCormick takes a strike and the count is one and one
Ruben you are spot on the Yankees need to get out of this idea of reclamation
projects and this and that just go out there and add contact what you have get
judge back get a guy like Korea and build around those guys with the young guys
Volpe uh Peraza you know you got your Austin Wells isn’t
far away you got a lot of these guys that are close that’s the route they should be taking but
I’d be all over Trevor Bauer I don’t give a poo whenever he’s able to come back I’d be all over Trevor Bauer I put
Trevor Bauer right in this rotation No Doubt
the 2-1 to McCormick fouled away
and the count is two and two
bottom of the sixth inning five nothing Houston
‘s have not been able to get it going in this game whenever they do
Houston has got out of it hit up the Middle Field it fires two
away so belotti comes in and get two quick outs and it’ll bring a Martine Maldonado
than the top of the order
he was definitely blackballed by MLB no doubt about it no doubt about it
on the likes keep it rolling folks slaying animus
count is all in one
swinging Miss Owen two belotti looking to come in and have a quick one
two three inning here for the fills in the bottom of the sixth
the O2 incoming
the O2 pitch low and the count is one and two
Samantha is free everybody Samantha is free
Samantha is free gotta be happy for that gotta be happy for that
the one two from belotti the
pitch hey struck him out
great inning for Andrew Bellotti we will head to the top of the seventh
Castellanos bomb and Jean Segura coming on up
coming on up yes folks
hell I got the lotion out okay oh God all right all right all right all right
double check one thing guys 169 on the likes 31 away from 200 that would be
amazing I thank you guys so much I thank you guys so much
there is no game tomorrow by the way but NY news TV what have you guys
covered as we will have two live podcasts tomorrow five o’clock and 8 30.
so stay tuned for all of that stay tuned for all of that
heading to the top of the seventh inning Phillies need
to get something going and they gotta do it quick because franburg Valdez has been
absolutely terrific six shutout innings for fall Des
like I said before I face Castellanos Alec bomb and Gene Segura
I should call the Steelers game I don’t want to look guys we’re a New York Yankees Channel Baseball channel
I’m not interested in expanding all to other sports if we ever do any expansion it’ll be a
major league baseball
good point Alexander Gordon if she doesn’t care about your happiness is never gonna work I’m right there which I
agree with that
commercials are way longer in the World Series they’re selling that ad money baby they’re selling that ad money baby
top of the seventh Philly’s got nine outs to go to try to get five runs Plus
we’ll see if they can do it well see if they can do it
again thank you so much to about the 15 new Subs we have today thank you guys
I appreciate you all so here’s framer Valdez he’s back out
there again he’s been terrific today
nope Astros are down one game to nothing in the series they’ll be looking to tie it up here
before they head to Philadelphia
the 01 de Castellanos low and the count is one and one we will start counting
down to Philly outs as they only got nine to play with here in the top of the seventh
Philly needs to make something happen and make something happen soon the 1-1
fouled away and the count is one and two
warming up in a pen is Raphael Montero foreign
Pitch hit on the ground Softly foul ball count remains two and two on
five nothing Philly lead through six zombie seven Valdez looking to keep it
rolling Jansen Dennis what’s up
what’s up Pitch fouled away and the count remains two and two
two and two on Castellanos Phillies have had some chances against
Valdez but he’s got out of all of them he’s got out of all of them
to 2-2 and the dirt three and two
so I’m assuming you’re likely gonna see
Montero either way is Valdez okay
nope where is he he went down he went down a little
Crouch position and he sort of shaking his head he was mad about the pitch to 3-2 to Castellanos pitch
line to left Center is a base hit that’s gonna go to the wall Castellanos with a leader of double
can the Phillies finally make some noise they likely won’t be seeing much more of
Valdez we’ll see if that knocks them out of the game it might castleyanis is a very good low ball
hitter he’s a very good low ball hitter
very good good low ball hit it he ropes that ball on the gap let’s see what the move’s gonna be here
is Dusty Baker gonna stay with him here they’re gonna have a mountain visit
it’ll be Alec Alec bomb coming up
we’re having a mountain visit or we’re moving the picture I don’t know what this uh who is this TBS Fox they don’t
show [ __ ] they’re always like in the wrong place who’s the programming director over
there I mean what are you guys doing I want to know who’s coming out to talk
these guys are unbelievable Phillies don’t give up
the Phillies don’t give up no doubt about it the Phillies do not give up
here’s Alec bomb runner on second base nobody out here at the top of the seven pitch in the dirt one and oh
Raphael Montero warming up for the Houston Astros
They’re all playing a little grab ass on the mound that’s right
ground the the uh short and that is gonna allow Castellanos to
head to Third Base so a productive Alpha Alec bomb and that is now going to do it Rafael
Montero will come in with a runner on third base one away for Amber Valdez is going to get a hell
of an ovation and it is well deserved
Dusty Baker will grab the ball from his Lefty and we’ll see your Raphael Montero come
in his game would a runner on third base one away top of the seven Phillies looking to get
on the board
oh Brad if I if I didn’t have my fiance man I don’t know where I’d be I’m not even you know look I tell you guys this
I tell you guys the truth about everything you know I don’t I don’t care about bullshitting I I save bullshitting
for the fools I don’t need a [ __ ] I don’t know where I’d be without her no doubt about it there’s no no doubt in my
mind I have no idea where I’d be
oh well being the man of the house there’s no denying that no doubt about that but no I I definitely wouldn’t have
everything if she wasn’t here what’s Eli doing
Ally always wants a trade he always wants to trade like the good relief pitches we get I don’t I don’t get it
my man always wants to get rid of the good relief pitches we have
nah Samantha you might be right who knows you might be right he might be right about that
me and my fiance it’s crazy that we get along so good because we both got
uh Dominican and a Sicilian we both got these really quick tempers and attitudes
but when we combine it together and become one and that gets directed elsewhere we
could take over the world man you know what I mean we could take over the world man it’s crazy it’s wild it’s wild
all right so Raphael Montero is going to come in a game there’ll be a runner on third one away
for Gene Segura so I believe this is seven eight and
nine coming up now for the Phillies so I think you got a couple of hits in a row get it to that top of the order
they could be in a little bit of business here in the top of the seventh
why would you wait wait wait wait wait wait okay Trevor Rogers okay you’re not talking about
my Rogers from Miami I think his name is Taylor Rogers I want
to say
yup facts Reuben amen Reuben facts no doubt about it
yep facts facts the 0-1
hit in the air the left field going back still back caught on the wall almost
and that’ll get the Phillies on the board I think the Astros will take that
a sack fly for Gene Segura if that ball was pulled a little bit more
it’s probably a two-run home run so a five to one ball game now here in
the top of the seventh if that ball is pulled a little bit more
it’s likely a two-run home run
so two outs now nobody on I had to bring a Matt verling
against Montero
Nick what’s going on man
Nick Matan is gonna come up the hit so Nick matan’s gonna pinch it here
first appearance this postseason 250 on the season five homers and 855
Ops in his limited time that he played
the pitch as a call strike 97 on the gun
from Montero and the count is 0-1
Phillies down to their final seven
outside one and one
baton 25 years old
the 1-1 lined right to bregman that’ll end the
inning Phillies down to the final six Houston coming up bottom seven
see where we at on those likes 22 likes away from 200. let’s get there
folks let’s get there
and guys by the way I I’ve just noticed
I had a um I just noticed I had a few messages in my um
over on my Twitter side I haven’t I haven’t checked Twitter in a while I don’t check it too much to be honest with you guys
I really don’t try to pay that much attention to Twitter anymore I I really don’t I really don’t
Twitter’s been kind of fun though recently with all those new Elon Musk stuff coming out elon’s going in
Elon is going in as the new owner
Twitter foreign
second here oh one second guys give me one second to
look something up real quick actually let me respond to this message
all right we’re back in business
oh man give me Bauer telling you guys man give me Bauer all day filo says Mick Foley
deleted his Twitter account why did he do that Twitter’s a mess though man Twitter’s a
uh absolute garbage spot it really is I think it’s gonna be a little better now because of uh Elon Musk taking over
we’ll see let’s see how it goes with Elon taking over
well see how it goes
foreign these commercial breaks in the World Series are like 12 minutes long I gotta
take a nap in between these things it’s unfreaking believable over here
bottom of the seventh we go it’ll be the top of the order Altuve painia and Alvarez
coming up we’ll see if they’re gonna stick with the
are they gonna stick with um
Connor I can’t see his name for me I got I got
horrible lies and by the way guys I’m going for an eye test okay I’m going for an eye test I’m gonna do
it because your boy can’t see Jack [ __ ] so it’s about time I go for an eye test because I can’t see nothing damn it
ERS in a bullpen I don’t know why he does it I don’t know why he does it man
I don’t know why Eli does what he does I don’t know I don’t know anymore I don’t know anymore
Connor Brogden Connor brogden’s in the pitch
Brandon Marsh has entered the game in center field I don’t know why Brandon Marsh isn’t starting by the way you guys
should be starting every game in Center Brandon Marsh should be starting every game for you instead of field I don’t
know why he’s not first pitch is a swing into Miss from Altuve 0-1
bro I need glasses like you can’t imagine don’t be shocked if you guys see me next
year coming and I got glasses on don’t be shocked if you’re watching this and I
and I got glasses on don’t be shocked you could very well see me coming on
here with some glasses so stay tuned stay tuned
the O2 yeah Alexander Gordon I’m right there
with you man not starting stop and Marsh I don’t get it I don’t get it
fouled away in account remains Owen too
oh man
ah yeah Samantha I’m already doing the icy hot I’m already doing the Icy Hot
I’ll tell you what right now 100 this one line to right feel is a base it for Altuve
tell you what I could be trouble for the Phillies if Altuve is getting hot three hits today
for Altuve three hits today for Altuve
thank you
base hit the right field so Houston again has a runner on base
and a youth and faithful is happy to see Altuve hitting again huge to their offense
huge to their offense foreign
back is Altuve
Derek Jeter leads everybody leads everybody with the most multi-hit games of postseason history of 58.
Bernie Williams second with 36 Manny Ramirez with 31. Jose Altuve with 30.
Drew thank you my friend I appreciate you thank you thank you
here’s the pitch that Jeremy Pena shows bunt
takes a ball outside one and oh
links what’s going on fam how you doing how you doing how you doing
stay working fam I stay working
one and one on Jeremy Pena
Dusty Baker with 47 postseason wins as a manager the fourth most all time
Hall of Fame manager right there is Dusty the 1-1 the Pena
lying down the third base side it’s a foul ball and the count is now one and
two one and two
uh very very nice very very nice
one two count the one two to Pena
Runner goes out of my second base
Altuve is asking for that one to be checked not a great throw from real Muto if that’s on the money he got him by a
mile he would have got him by a mile right there if that was on the money
definitely not on the money on that one
two and two count now and Altuve was out at second base so
even with the bad throw he got him this one blooped in the air to right center field it’s deeper than I thought
play is made by Marsh and there’s two away that’ll bring up Air Jordan
got all Jordan Alvarez coming on up
Houston up five to one bottom seven two outs no body on
here’s Alvarez
I don’t know if Dusty Baker retire if they won the World Series good time to go
but I think Dusty’s proven he still has a lot in him he has a lot to offer I think Dusty Baker has a lot to offer
I predict you’re gonna see a lot of these older managers coming back I believe that
I think you’ll see some of these older managers coming back I think a guy like Ozzy gan’s gonna come back too I believe
that pitch is a call strike and to count as Owen two
oh and two on Jordan Alvarez SFA over Duke what’s going on man thank
you for joining I’ll be honest bro I don’t got a dog in this fight uh we’re a New York Yankee Channel
nah I just love calling these games and I promised everybody I would but um
if I had a team to win I would go with the Phillies just because they got some of my former
Yankee guys out there Rob Thompson Kevin long David Robinson big Bryce Harper fan
real Muto big fan of him that’s the reason I would go with them but I don’t got a dog in this race
I don’t got a dog in this race one two inside and the count is now two and two
maybe Boone should try to toothpick instead of the gum maybe that’ll make a difference maybe I’ll grow some balls chewing on
something who knows
pitch hey struck him out good inning right there
and we will head to the top of the eighth Sosa schwaba Hoskins
coming up
ah Brad says he choke on the toothpick
that’s something booty would do wouldn’t it that sounds like something booty would do
uh Brad says Boone already chews on cashman’s balls all right okay all right he’s chewing on his balls okay
all righty then alrighty then
Pete remember how I said Cortez could be um
Cuban funky version of Cliff Lee for us last year
I was one of the few who really thought Cortez was legit you are cause I was not I was not
I had Louise Hill starting to win and the uh in the in the offseason I said
give it to the kid let the kids start five let Cortez be a spot starter Cortez is like excuse me sir say what come
again nah I got you Cortez was the man great call Reuben Cortez was a man
oh yeah Boone definitely invested in stocks for bubble gum he got Bubble Yum bazooka
[ __ ] uh oh what’s the other one uh what was that
old that was old gum I used to think what’s the gum I used to get in Toys R Us the little pinks pink stick [ __ ]
[ __ ] uh Bubble Yum you got them all Big League Chew
he got all of them booty got money in all of them
he got money in all of them man
Bubblicious it’s probably Boone’s favorite Boone’s pickup line was called me Hubble
bub [Laughter]
oh man Hubba Bubba Bazooka Joe bubble tape
bubble tape yes yeah he did come with the Cuban coffee
didn’t he yes he did
big red and Juicy Fruit Rafael Montero still on the mound
for the Astros they’re six outs away from tying this series up at a game of
peace and look who’s pinch hitting
Bryson stopped why did he not start takes a call strike 0-1
the o-n-1 [ __ ] swinging a Miss Owen two
oh and two on start the O2 from Rafael Montero
fouled off thank you Maldonado cannot keep it in this glove
and the count remains Owen too 12 likes away from 200 let’s go folks
smash the like at the button okay smash the like at the button
do me that favor let’s get over 200 today
Jack says the Astro is just doing their thing it’s outside to count as one and two
Reuben I greatly appreciate you too my friend and God bless you in the fam too bro I appreciate you and we’ll talk
about what I said about next Sunday the one two
High two and two two and two on start he had some good at bats yesterday
and be looking to work his way to get on base here two two count oh two to two two
oh two to two two the tutu from Montero pitch
fouled away stop staying in there
Pete just doing his thing that’s what I do fam that’s what I do yesterday’s game was almost five hours
this one is almost three so we’re having a little quicker ball game today
but I don’t know I won’t count my chickens before they hatch you never know you never know
the two two fouled away
good at bat again from start I don’t know how this kid isn’t starting every day starting in mundo Sosa makes no sense to
me this kid looks good up there man he could control the bat
he could control the bat some Yankee habits from Thompson could
be that could definitely be that who knows who knows
fouled away we’ll do it again
pitch number nine about to be delivered of his a b the 2-2 to start
fouled away oh well do it again
Frets you need ball players the Astros got ball players you can’t deny that that’s the difference the difference is
the makeup the difference is the makeup they got bold players they got guys that give it their all every day
because I you know I’m not gonna act like I’ve watched every Astros game I don’t but I watched every Yankees game I
called just about every single one of them this year the 2-2 fouled away we’ll do it again
stop having a hell of an at-bat but the Yankees have so many guys that
we could go down the roster and go this guy doesn’t give it his all whether that’s because a boon or the leadership
or not this guy doesn’t give it us all we know he doesn’t play hard every day we know
this guy doesn’t play hard every day it’s obvious they’re comfortable they’re
far too comfortable with Boone 2-2 inside three and two
three and two big sexy Yankee with the Super Chat
says news out of Dr Raphael Devers opting out a free agent now
Alexander Gordon is the management fam they set the tone no question about it it’s leadership I agree
I agree the 3-2 to start can he get a walk here [ __ ] he walked him
that’s an at-bat that could change a ball game right there folks holy [ __ ]
you need to put this kid in Daily this kid should never seat a bench
controls the bat so well terrific at-bat for thought
yeah I don’t think Devers could opt out I think he’s a free agent next year
I don’t think there’s anything from the opt out on
pitch the schwarber inside 1-0
can the Phillies mount a comeback my goodness I tell you guys right now
the Phillies came back from this one somehow picked up a w holy [ __ ] holy
[ __ ] so Montero facing a little adversity here a little mountain good mountain
visit right there from Maldonado go out to hey look you got the lead
you got a four-run lead you got to throw strikes Gotta Throw strikes
the 1-0 pitch
doesn’t get the call on the inside corner count is 2-0 on schwarber
on Deck is Rhys Hoskins 2-0 count on schwarber
who we all know will take a walk with the best of them oh my God Bryson’s thought for Donaldson
too [ __ ] tell you what I hope Volpe and Peraza have that that’s the way this kid has oh
boy the Yankees gonna have my best the way this kid has 2-0 swing get a miss
blows a 96 mile an hour heater right by schwarber
and the count is two and one eight likes away from 200 guys let’s go
smack that a like button
let’s who won the pitch
call strike count is now two and two
got that inside out right there inside out in that two seamer look at that movement back over to Plate
beautiful pitch beautiful pitch
schwarber acknowledging that and the count is two and two on
schwarber left the battle himself popped up is that gonna stay in play no
it’ll move out of play and the count is two and two
Ronnie what’s going on fam Samantha will take some stale gum over
Donaldson I agree with that I agree with that
the 2-2 incoming
top of the eighth Philly’s got six outs to play with and down by four runs
the 2-2 pitch for Montero pitch rip to right field
two run home run a two-run jack job
for schwarber and the Astros fans are saying check it
schwarber with a two-run jack job and it’s a 5-3 game
we still got six outs to play with
are they gonna review this Philly’s on the phone schwarber is
waiting around this might not be a home run folks let’s see this again
no that’s a home run that ball disappeared that ball disappeared I think that’s a homer
where the [ __ ] the ball at I can’t even see oh they called it back
I thought it was gone wow
they called it back
I thought the ball disappeared when I looked at it I really can’t see [ __ ]
I’m walking around blind at life what am I doing here I can’t see Jack [ __ ]
I thought the ball disappeared
I can’t see laughs
yo fam I can’t see [ __ ] I don’t know how the hell I don’t I don’t know I can’t
see nothing fam so today
you’re so dead serious I was so dead serious
that I thought that ball was gone I was like it disappeared schwarber’s gonna have to try it again
oh [ __ ]
oh my God I tell you I tell you guys I gotta get these eyes fixed before next
year I gotta get these eyes fixed before next year I had the whole Jack job and
everything my God come on now the 2-2 from Ontario the [ __ ]
does he do it again deep to right corn at the wall
wow I thought he got it schwarber just misses it right on the
wall to right field and there’s one away oh man
his game was about to get very interesting Edwin I promise I’ll be checking the
eyes I’ll be checking the eyes all right I’m gonna check the eyes
I’ll check the eyes 193 on the likes let’s get to 200 folks
let’s get the 200.
Phillies fans wanted it they ain’t gonna get it though they ain’t gonna get it
pitch there’s a ball low Wanna Know
Rhys Hoskins coming on up foreign guys
you know this game has taught me I’d really need to get my eyes checked so
I’m gonna schedule that immediately and I will go get these eyes checked
this game has proven I need it the 1-0 on Hoskins the pitch swing and a
miss and the count is one and one
in the United States
Morris what’s going on man what up Morris
Jesus thank you so much for subbing the NY news TV we appreciate you
cataracts no it’s a Cadillac
oh man I love you guys I love you guys
fight on these fills man me and Joe gonna be matching with the glasses I might get myself a Gucci flip
head Joe come on now I think I’m fully covered with that
maybe I don’t know man I gotta be fully covered I ain’t paying out of pocket I’m broke all right I ain’t got the moolahs
right now for that all right the one two incoming the pitch
hey struck him out two away Ontario sits down Hoskins
and it’ll bring up JT real Muto
two away runner on first base
thank you Morris I appreciate that thank you thank you thank you
hit the like or you like Brian Cashman that’s a good way that’s a good way
Jacob petrusi how you doing my friend
and my glasses might be pretty damn thick fam I don’t know oh no pitches hit on the ground up the middle
played by pay ow nobody’s there wow that’s a weird play
so Pena gets a ball up the middle feels it
he looks to flip it to Altuve ain’t nobody there I’ll tell these
ducking looking for him
and it’s first and third now
so he was trying to flip it to Altuve to make the play at first base is what he
was trying to do but how two of it was paying no damn mind to him
so it’s first and third now in a huge at-bat for Bryce Harper
I can’t talk about this enough Bryce Harper against the righty now in
Montero this is a gigantic a b here we go
Harper could make this a one-run game [ __ ] inside 1-0
can Bryce Harper make this a one-run game
well Chris Perez I guess I’m not not the only blind one here
pitch inside
and the count is two and oh
Joe says he’s getting walked here
find out the 2-0 pitch
swing and a miss that was the one
just high enough let’s see where it was ah waist high an even better waist high
the 2-1 from Ontario popped up coming in
ball is caught I think it was Pena who made the catch
and that’ll end the inning Harper cannot get him there so we will head to the bottom of the
eighth Houston three outs away
three outs away already used in Astros
for making this a series tie at 1-1 guys give me a second I’ll be right back
with you
okay we are back in business yes yes yes bottom of the eighth inning
coming up bregman Kyle Tucker and Yuli agoriel coming up
so we’re already back man I was kind of I felt like I was quicker break
one Brad Hand in the pitch now
by the way guys um this [ __ ] is banging right here you
guys always know when I try something I’ll just tell you guys about it as the o one is being delivered pitch is
a call strike so this is probiotic kombucha uh but it’s called hum h-u-m-m it comes
in a little can know if you guys can see that let me see
little hum it’s really good
it’s really really good stuff it’s a probiotic so it’s good for the good for the tum tum it’s good for the
tum tum oh and two
Ryan Presley warming up I’d be looking to shut this one down a four run Philly lead uh excuse me Houston lead right now
Philly has three outs to score four runs the O2 outside and the count is one and two
almost got 20 new subscribers today I thank you guys it’s been fun calling these games not
like nothing like calling my Yankee games nothing like calling my Yankee games but they’re out what are you gonna do
pitch popped up is that gonna stay in Play No it will
not so the count remains one and two
hey struck him out one away
one away as bregman goes down swinging bregman of
course with a big two-run home run in this game got himself a good game
Medina I appreciate it my friend you know I I you know I love calling my
Yankee so much more but I do you know you know I I really do enjoy doing this show
hit on the ground at first base that’s two away as Tucker’s retired I really enjoy doing the show man and we
have an overall vision uh coming up here and hopefully you know
the next couple of years or so and and you know um I think calling game’s gonna be a big part of it
I think calling game is going to be a really big part of it I really do I really do so
up in this mind and with my fiance we got an amazing game plan for NY news TV
guys so you know expect some really good things I think over the next um
not too far away you know not too far away we’ve got some big things coming up that one is high to Yuli gorio and the
count is one and oh
well you can’t fire it’s fine Brenna he’s the guy who can’t be fired
pitch fouled away and the count is one and one
and we do got over 20 new subscribers today so I greatly appreciate each
and every one of you guys 209 likes thank you guys thank you thank
you thank you the 1-1 pitch
there’s a strike nice pitch my bread hand count us down one and two
well Altuve did start hitting today so he might get hot
he might get hot the one two is hitting the air to left
field right there to make the catch a
schwarber that’ll end the inning last at bats coming up for the Phillies do they
have a comeback in them we’ll find out we will find out Presley is going to be
coming in to face him
lwy33pa thank you so much for subbing we appreciate you
somebody needs to make this time burn as an offer he can’t refuse
let’s do this
no Extra Innings please well it’s four runs man it got to beat a
pretty good pitcher for four runs
Okay I uh
lwy33pa by the way how you doing thank you for being here miffing is that what is that
miffenberger PA let’s go Phillies I have no idea what that is
[Laughter] okay that’s Pennsylvania of course but
milflin MILF milfland milfland Burger MILF Burger
laughs I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know
what that is I don’t know what that is yeah Jack doesn’t sound too confident I
don’t know why Adrian Perez my friend thank you so much that’s your city I know what it is I
don’t know how to pronounce that that’s crazy to say Skye thank you so much for the Super Chat he says someone got to put a house library in the bathroom put
him in the bathroom no doubt about it Hal just needs the
right guidance around him look he’s willing to spend the money spending 260 plus mil that ain’t chump
change he just needs to write people around him
said chileana and Wawa said he would love a MILF Burger [Laughter]
all righty then here we go can the Philadelphia Phillies
score four runs the tie five to take the lead Mifflinburg
okay Mifflinburg that’s easy Mifflinburg
Mifflinburg PA milfiland
Nick Castellanos Alec bomb and Jean Segura the o1
pitch from Ryan Presley did he go no and count as one and one
one and one
the one one there’s a call shrike and the count is
one and two Castellanos did not like to call
it doesn’t matter it’s a strike oh nice
one and two on Castellanos the one two
outside two and two
apparently milf’s rule Metro Lexus so now we’re on the MILFs
I don’t know how this happened I I tried to pronounce something I said MILF and Berg or something like that I don’t know
I don’t know leave it up to me the 2-2 fouled away we’ll do the 2-2 again
on the likes thank you guys so much thank you to all my wonderful members
the tutu hey struck him out one away
one away Philly’s down to their final two
beautiful pitch right there from Presley
Phillies would head will head home for games three four and five
looking to I’m sure they would wanna either win the World Series
or come back with a lead that’s the only options that’s the only
Mifflinburg there we go [Laughter]
no worries my friend no worries the 01 pitch outside count is now one and one
the one one incoming the pitch
hitting me out of left field going back off the wall
Alec bomb is gonna be in with a one out double
one out double for bomb
it’s another really good looking player right here man they got a nice left side
of that infield for years to come Alec bomb and Bryson stop
it’s a nice left side of your infield to have it’s a nice left side of urine field
Rob Thompson got to be happy with that
that’ll bring up Gene Segura runner on second base Segura has the only RBI
today Sac fly I was in the seventh inning there’s a strike on the outside corner
and the count of Zone one
the o one on Segura the pitch
did he go we no and it count as one and one
I remember when the Yankees had Richie Sexton Pete do you think Arenado is an option
especially if judge doesn’t resign I believe Arenado opted into his deal
to stay with the Cardinals
the 1-1 pitches fouled away and the count is one and two
he’s just such a you know aronado is a really good fit for St Louis it’s a really nice fit for him
the one two pitch from Presley outside two and two
twelve on the likes thank you guys so much the 2-2
in Indiana right field not deep catch is made by Tucker gets the ball in
and there’s two away Philly down there final out it’ll be
Brandon Marsh
Brandon Marsh will look to keep it going he was one foot forward a double in game
one I do not know why Rob Thompson well there was a lefty there was a lefty
maybe that’s why I don’t know though man those Lefty Lefty matchups in the postseason you got
some good hitters speed contact have a good abs sometimes you gotta stick with those
guys man inside 1-0
gets Alpha son of the manage the Yankees I’ll tell you right now give me South a son of the manage the
Yankees that’s my dude salfisano’s my guy man I love me South
the 1-0 and on the ground knocked down it gets away from Yulie it is a five to two game
and Brandon Marsh will be on at second base
so the game continues five to two the fight ends never go away
they will literally Fight You Until the End
Yuli gorio is a very good first baseman too that ball just right off the top of the
mitt and this game will continue
runner on second now two outs it’ll be Bryson stopped
here is thought pitch as a call strike
and the count is all in one a pesky Phillies
guys remember Craig Wilson Craig Wilson at first base for the Yankees he played a little bit
of right field and the 0-1 pitch
and on the ground roll two Bay there that’s the game
the Houston Astros are gonna take game two and this series is now tied
at a game a piece one to one headed to the City of
Brotherly Love Philadelphia it’s gonna be a good one folks we will
be back on Monday for Game season live but remember tomorrow
designated spit is at five o’clock nyyst at 8 30. you ain’t gonna find
stuff like that anywhere else but right here at NYY news TV
with that being said guys you are the best much love to all of you
I am out have a great rest of you guys night
see you guys a little bit later adios
[Music] [Applause] thank you
#WorldSeries #Phillies #Astros
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