Yankees Need MVP Judge The Rest of The Season, Owns Mets


[Music] yo what is up yankees fans yet again it is felix from nynews.com this is how you show your six seven right and you weigh over about 280 pounds this is how you show you’re the alpha male this is how you show aaron boone that you’re going to take control of this team it’s like take a break you’re weak let the real alpha males take charge i’m going to be the captain that the yankees and the yankees fans know that i can be and i am going to carry this team all the way into the playoffs so first and foremost rest in peace to all of the people that we lost on september 11 2001 and the same goes afterwards of the numerous people that we lost because of those actions as well so on that same day 20 years later aaron judge finally snapped and said it i am going to carry this team i am going to hit two home runs i am going to hit one home run that was a clutch home run to put my team ahead and would be the deciding factor in the yankees being in the mets today you know we’re gonna need this from aaron judge we’re gonna need him in mvp form i know you guys saw my previous video uh the manager of the new york yankees is a soft puppy dog if the yankees have any chance the blue jays are now tied with them for the second wild card spot you have the a’s the mariners kind of playing so-so but you never know we need guys like aaron judge to take charge we need guys like john carlos stanton to take charge we need guys like oroldis chapman to take charge this guy has been a nail biter all season we need these guys to be alpha males we need these guys to act like they look like big strong men it’s too soon to celebrate we just snapped a seven game losing streak who knows what this team does afterwards we might go on another losing streak who knows we might go on a winning streak but this had to be said you you can’t rely on aaron boone you guys in the clubhouse have to take ownership of this team if you have any chance any chance at a wild court spot or even let’s say you win that wild card game any chance in advancing towards that goal of number 28 the only way you do that is if guys like aaron judge play in mvp form i’m going to keep this video short and sweet but this is what we have to see a game like this where aaron judge is aaron judge aaron judge playing in mvp form as long as we get decent pitching and we got guys that are actually hitting carrying of this team i have confidence in the new york yankees but then again it’s just one game we’ll see will miley violate them in about let’s say a sample size of three games then we’ll come back and i know me personally my team at m1us.com pete joe austin arby francis we will be here to give you guys our honest opinions and if hey if the labor tourists laboratories had a good game today if labor tours continues or regresses into hitting like a barbie doll we will be the first ones to get on him about that so yankees fans again this game was a nail biter just as we’ve been seeing all season long but i saw one positive or two or three the main one being that aaron judge is playing in mvp form but he was playing just one sample size of a game but it was enough for me to make this video and say hey the yankees have any chance at anything we need aaron judge in mvp form for the rest of the way so yankees fans like always leave your opinions in the comment section below and like always this has been felix from nynews.com share like and subscribe and now will check you out next time [Music] bye [Music]

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Felix Pantaleon is The Founder of NYYNEWS.com The First New York Yankees Content Creator Online, Since 2005.Follow on Social Media Instagram - X.com

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